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                                                                   INDEX                                                            289


Tables of compounds of animals and plants, 160

Tartrates, dextro- and laevo-, 240

Temperature reactions, 220

Test, albumin, of trypsin, 234

Ball and Thomas, 205

case, York, sarcoma as a, 179

cases, requirements of, 197, 200

crucial, of cancer, 235

in science, 179

metacasein of trypsin, 201

a published, 230

scientific, Bainbridge on, 180

Theory, Remak-Cohnheim, 237

Thomas and Ball on “trypsin treatment,” 172

Tissues, normal, and pancreatic ferments, 176

Tortula, action of, 240

Toxic products and amy)opsin, 176

of tryptic action, 175

Transient nervous apparatus, 37, 110

Transplantation of ovaries, 170

     of trophoblast, 170

Treatment, cases suitable for, 197

     importance of non-suspension, 204

(Lambelle’s). course of, 215

length of, 205

requirements of, 197

scientific, of cancer, 30

of tuberculosis, 137. 271

Trophoblast, asexual generation, 13, 125, 161

as “extra-embryonic epi­blast,” 19

medical profession and, 168

natural history of, 168

transplantation of, 170

Trophoblastic theory of cancer, 170

Trophoblastoma, 109, 140

Trophoblastomata, 109, 140

Truth and persecution, 170

     growth of, 46

Trypsin, absence in cancers. 115

Action on laevo- and dextro-­albumins, 25

on living cancer-cells, 15

on” normal “tissues, 17, 175

alone a deadly remedy, 139

and amylopsin the most powerful things in organic nature, 246

Trypsin and amylopsin, relations of, 223

in amylopsin preparations, 80, 204

as basis of amylopsin, 226

Blumenthal on, 14

discovery of, 138

failures with, 2

import of, 26, 118

inert, 16

in health and in cancer, 218

E.    von Leyden on, 193

F.     E. Merck on, 198

and “normal tissues,” (un­suitable cases), 200

not a cure for cancer, 11

official research on, 169

and pancreatin, 199

potent in cancer, 121

in powder (Faircilild’s), 9

rotation of, 24

and somatic tissues, 175

symptoms induced by, 139

Trypsin treatment,” 172

     the name, 29

in urine, 190

used in Germany, 194, 281

wide occurrence of, 115

Trypto-glycogenic reaction, 156

Tuberculosis, amylopsin in, 137, 229

ferments in, 136

treatment of, 137, 271

Tumours, comparative anatomy of, 86

definitions of, 140

encapsulation of many, 73

etiology of, 67, 79

and life-cycle, 68

mimicry of, 99

monogerminal and biger­minal, 74

and multiple centres, 83

as portions of life-cycle, 76

Twins, identical and cancer, 131, 133

Tyndall on scientific research, 3


Uppingham case, 205, 213

Urine, trypsin in, 190

Use of amylopsin in treatment, 224


Various preparations employed, 196

Verdict, lack of a scientific, 9

Verworn and ferments, 116



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