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                                                      GENERAL DIRECTIONS                                              199


when pancreatin and trypsin are described as substances of equal value,* and how shall we gauge the action of pancreatin and trypsin ampullae whose mode of prepara­tion and whose composition is not mentioned in the original paper, neither is there any mention made of their sterility or the method by which they have been sterilized? We need not wonder, then, to find that one author has never seen local inflammation follow the injection, while another reports severe local irritant effects. So long as the solutions of pancreatin and trypsin are treated as secret remedies no one will be able to form a clear picture of the value of trypsin treatment from the many publications which have appeared.”

6.   If the foregoing citation be read carefully, and its meaning appreciated, the reader will be prepared for what follows. The writer has never made up, or offered for sale, injections of either trypsin or amylopsin. In laying down, as I am about to do, certain strengths and doses of trypsin and of amylopsin as normal ones, which in the discretion of the physician may be exceeded on occasion, if used in the same invariable proportions, I also state how, in my scientific opinion, these should be assayed—that is, “standardized.” The physician must satisfy himself that all this has been done, and he must not ask any guarantee from the scientific investigator for any preparation to which he has not placed his name as a pledge of its true character. If the physician should

*  The following passage occurs in a recent letter from one who knows thoroughly what he is writing about: “ Even at this day, by the way, there is a ‘trypsin’ (so labeled) on the market which is practically identical with the products sold as pancreatin from the same source; the only way they differ is in the name— the label. Equally, there are products sold as amylopsin which differ from the preparations sold as pancreatin only in name.”


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