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    2                                     THE ENZYME TREATMENT OF CANCER


nature, were not evidences to those, who knew nothing at all of modern embryology or of stereo-chemistry, and who relied implicitly upon the microscopical examination and appearances of a portion of the growth taken before or after operation. Then there were the countless failures,* many of them due, as I am now convinced, to faulty preparations, or to injections which were very much too weak for their work. In this way great diffi­culties had to be surmounted, quite apart from what has been termed the “ conservatism” of the medical pro­fession. Apart from the latter, these difficulties seem now to have been removed. Definite statements can be made concerning the requirements of really efficacious preparations for the treatment, and a successful case of cure, not standing isolated, can be, and is, produced in the present writing.



* For the sake of scientific truth, the published opinion of Professor F. Blumenthal, of the University of Berlin—certainly a competent judge—regarding these should be noted. The vast majority of the cases hitherto treated (usually with very weak injections and with small doses of these) were in an advanced phase of cancer. Oftener than not they were some of the failures of surgery. Professor Blumenthal remarks—rightly and scien­tifically—that the cases as yet handed over for medical treatment, as opposed to surgical, were nearly all such that no possible treatment could have saved them. Lost this should be supposed to be exaggerated, Professor Blumenthal’s actual words may be cited. He writes “Die innere Behandlung des Carcinoms ist heute lediglich beschrãnkt auf die verzweifelten, nicht operablen FälIe. Wir haben jetzt daran festzuhalten, dass jede bösartige Geschwulst, so lange sie operabel ist, auch durch Operation entfernt werden muss. Es hande]t sich also für die innere Be­handlung urn eine Katcgorie von Krankheitsfällen, welche vergleichbar sind mit verallgemoinerter Tuberculose, dissemini­erter Eiterung. Man stellt an die innere Therapie die Anford­erung, nicht die beginnenden Fälle zu heilen, sondern überlässt ihr fast niir solche Falls, die wohl niemals gerettet werden könnten, aitch wenn es eine innere Methods gäbe.” Ferdinand Blumenthal, “Innere Behandlung und Fursorge bei Krebs­kranken.” in Zeitschrift f. Krebsforschung, vol. x., pp. 134-148 (1910)  loc. Cit., p. 134.

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