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     240                                 THE ENZYME TREATMENT OF CANCER


enzymes or ferments, trypsin and amylopsin, which help the intracellular enzymes to build them up. (3) Cancer-cells attack and pull down the living laevo-rotatory albumins. (4) As racemic acid is a mixture of dextro and laevo-tartrates, which are attacked respectively by the mould (Penicillium) and by yeast (Torula), and are separable by them—or, more strictly, by the ferments they produce—so also a living human being, suffering from the natural phenomenon, not disease, known as cancer, is in a sense a mixture of two sorts of albumins— the laevo-rotatory ones of the body, and the dextro-­rotatory ones of cancer. (5) As Torula (yeast) attacks the laevo-tartrate, so cancer-cells attack and pull down the laevo-rotatory albumins of the body; and as the mould (Penicillium) acts upon dextro-tartrates, so, when administered in adequate doses, and such as are more than sufficient to neutralize the antitryptic ferments of cancer, trypsin and amylopsin, the powerful pancreatic enzymes, attack in life and pull down the dextro-rotatory albumins of cancer. (6) The albumins of cancer are stereo-isomers of those of the body, and the antitheses of these; and as the latter are laevo-rotatory, the albumins of cancer are dextro-rotatory. (~) The crucial test of the true nature of the albumins of cancer may be made by submitting a solution of them to an examination in the polarimeter, when this solution will be found to rotate the plane of polarized light to—the right

The reader may not cherish the fond delusion that as yet there are no evidences of an observational kind supporting the thesis that the albumins of cancer are dextro-bodies. There are, and these are of a decisive nature, although not to be found in the published re­searches of any official cancer research body. As the chemist Emil Fischer remarked, a ferment fits the sub-


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