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      46                                    THE ENZYME TREATMENT OF CANCER


life—embryology, biology, etc. Orthodoxy will not in science render false doctrines true, and Tyndall’s words become a mere mockery and delusion unless they apply to the embryologist and biologist, as well as to the physicist and chemist.

Twenty years ago my general principle—an antithetic alternation of generations with a continuity of germ-cells from generation to generation as the basis of the cycle of life—was almost within my grasp: that is, had almost been established by facts of observation. After a few more years of patient research this was so—at last. Those, and those only, who know and appreciate the history of the growth of human scientific knowledge—” The Growth of Truth “ (Osler)—can realize the true import of this. Two of the greatest scientific investigators of the nine­teenth century were Hermann von Helmholtz and Louis Pasteur. As investigators they were incomparable, beyond comparison with others or with each other. What the latter thought about general principles in scientific research is cited elsewhere in this book, and it may be found in full in his life, “ La Vie dc Pasteur,” written by Vallery-Radot. The illustrious physicist and physio­logist, Hermann von Helmholtz, wrote his view in the following beautiful lines : “ When, from a correct general principle, one develops the conclusions in special cases of its application, new surprises, for which one was not previously prepared, always make their appearance. And since the conclusions unfold, not according to the author’s caprice, but after their own laws, it has often made the impression upon me that really it was not my own work which I wrote down, hut merely the work of another. “*


*  “Wenn man aus einein richtigen Allgemeinen Principe die Folgerungen in den einzelnen Fallen seiner Anwendung für sich entwickelt. so kommen immer neue Uberraschungen zum Vor­- (cont on p47)


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