“Antioxidants mean life, while oxidation means death.“
Anthony William (Life-Changing Foods)

The Foundation’s Mission…
…is to increase public knowledge about the extraordinary therapeutic value of supplemental vitamin C.
Known Benefits of Vitamin C
With Lysine, Reverses Cardiovascular Disease (aka Chronic Scurvy) the #1 Cause of Death
Cures the Common Cold and the Flu (Zinc speeds Recovery)
Cure for Cancers (Outright Cure when Combined With Maitake Mushroom D’Fraction)
Minuscule Increases in Blood Vitamin C Levels Result in Great Decreases in Death from All Conditions
High Dose Vitamin C Treats Bird Flu and Other Viruses
Vitamin C With Vitamin E, Cuts ICU Deaths in Half
Vitamin C Reverses Osteoporosis: Osteoporosis is “bone scurvy.’
Reduces the risk of stomach cancer by 40%, doubles life expectancy of pancreatic cancer patients.
Prevents Vaccination Side Effects; Increases Effectiveness
With Vitamin E, Dramatically Reduces the Risk of Alzheimer’s
Transforms Mouse Stem Cells into Heart Muscle Cells
Aids Patients with Congestive Heart Failure
Improves Heart’s Own Circulation in Smokers
Reduces Dangerous Blood Levels of Lead
May Reduce the Risk of Cataract Development
Study: Long Term Use of Antioxidant Supplements Cuts Risk of Breast Cancer in Half
Study: High Antioxidant Intake Significantly Decreases Pancreatic Cancer Risk (by 67%).
Study: Vitamins C, E Cut Prostate Cancer Risk
Study: Vitamins C, E and Selenium Drastically Reduce Risk of Death From Gastric (Stomach) Cancer and Esophageal Cancer
Study: Even small amounts (500 mg) of Vitamin C Improves Pulmonary Function in Newborns of Pregnant Women Who Smoke.
Study: Intravenous Injection of Vitamin C Can Help Relieve Pain of Shingles.
Study: Low Dose Vitamins C/E Benefit Women on Oral Contraceptives
Study: Asthma/COPD Worse when Vitamin C Blood Levels Low
Study: A Novel Animal Model of Vitamin C and Heart Disease
“Moderate” Doses of Vitamin C May Lower Blood Pressure
Reversing Heart Disease with A Vitamin – Daniel Cobb, DOM
Vitamin C Rapidly Improves Emotional State of Acutely Hospitalized Patients
Vitamin K3 and vitamin C Alone or in Combination Induced Apoptosis in Leukemia Cells by a Similar Oxidative Stress Signaling Mechanism
New Function of Vitamin C: Treating Alzheimer’s Disease
New Cancer Imaging Technique Uses Vitamin C to Detect More Aggressive Tumors
Vitamin C Strengthens Brain and Eye Function
Vitamin C increases the Production of Induced Stem Cells
Non-Toxic Vitamin C Inhibits Formation of New Blood Vessel Growth to Tumors
Vitamin C Improves Myocardial Perfusion in Elective PCI
Vitamin C, E, Omega 3-fatty acids Prevent Pancreatic Cancer
Vitamin C Protects Against Hypertension-Induced DNA Damage
Vitamin C ‘Cures’ Mice With Accelerated Aging Disease
Vitamin C and other Supplements May Be Key to Preventing Diabetic Retinopathy
Researchers Stop Diabetes Damage with High C
Men Who Take Vitamin C Supplements are Less Likely to Develop Gout
Low Vitamin A, C & E Increases Asthma Risk
Higher Plasma Vitamin C Levels Linked with Lower Diabetes Risk
Vitamin C Stops the Growth of Cancerous Tumors in Mice
Vitamin C has Crucial Anti-aging Properties: Study
Vitamin C Improves Dark Circles
Vitamin C and Blood Pressure Linked
Mega-C Reduced Colds/Flu 85% (clinical study)
Improvement in human semen quality after oral supplementation of vitamin C
*References @ our science page.
Latest News
Vitamin C is a Powerful Antidote for Snake Bites/Venoms
The Cure for Heart Disease: Condensed

30 YEARS IGNORED: LINUS PAULING’S GREATEST DISCOVERY: The Cause and Cure for Heart Disease (einpresswire.com)

Vitamin C Foundation forum“I would just like to share with you the true miracle of your website. After 5 years of personal research in trying to cure myself and with several readings and re-readings of your website, especially Stone’s papers, I was able to cure my fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, severe circulatory problems, arthritis, and even a horrific swollen cheek with a toothache and bleeding gums.
“I have also had a heart attack and hemolytic urea syndrome years ago. After listening to a speech by Dr. Levy in which he said “he had a hunch” that even chronic diseases could be cured if vit c was administered long enough and strong enough. So that is what I did. I started out slowly with oral supplements but couldn’t tolerate it with bowels. So I bought his Lypo C and took 5-15 packets daily over the course of 7 days and suddenly nearly all my horrific ailments are gone.
“I even began sleeping at night!! I use to read blogs like this and refused to believe that they could be true. In the end, the research papers you have published** is what finally clinched it. I even diagnosed my own subclinical signs of scurvy with your website.
“I am going to go to every one of my 200 doctors and give them copies of all this if it’s ok. They have a lot of explaining to do! I also have at least 20 years of my past medical records of these ailments that I had to retrieve to file for disability.
God Bless you all. I am soooo happy.
Mission Accomplished
This mission is realized through the work of a consortium of physicians and other practitioners, health care activists, and other concerned Individuals, as well as of health and nutrition oriented organizations and nutrient suppliers — all of whom are dedicated to promoting the value of vitamin C for public health.
The Foundation was established to collect, preserve, and widely disseminate scientific research findings, clinical results, and valid anecdotal evidence, both recent and archival, relating to the health benefits of using vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in its different forms: natural foods, oral supplements, topical applications, and intravenous injection.
The Foundation raises funds to enable it to illuminate the science behind vitamin C as well as to financially support worthy new or ongoing research projects pertaining to health-conferring or protecting mechanisms within the body.
The Foundation’s mission is fulfilled through a number of vital initiatives.
“When you think of antioxidants, think anti-aging. Oxidation is a chemical reaction of the body’s organ tissue with an invader- that is a toxin. Antioxidants bind to both toxins and free radicals, sticking to these invaders, like fly paper so they stop oxidizing — and bundling them up for express out of the body.“
Anthony William (Life-Changing Foods)
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Please Donate and Support our Work. These pages describe the non-profit side of the Vitamin C Foundation. The organization’s non-profit activities are funded by charitable contributions, as well as a percentage of the proceeds from sales of our approved products.