
Contents Page



     286                                 THE ENZYME TREATMENT OF CANCER


Generations and isomeric com­pounds, 153

sexual and asexual, 13, 77

Genuine preparations, need of, 221

German preparations, 192, 194, 196, 202, 281

Germ-cell work and Lambelle, 7

                Osler on, 7

Germ-cells, zoological distribution of aberrant, 77

aberrant, 58

continuity of, 44, 78, 96

and embryomata, 59

history of, 128

 primary. 55, 57

 somatic origin of, 44, 256, 259

Waldeyer on, 74

Germs, “lost.” 65

Gestation, prolongation of, 138

Giacomini on chorion, 90

Glycogen in cancer. 156

Guarantees of preparations, 207


Haemorrhage, 177

Hald  on estimation of trypsin, 201

      on strengths of preparations, 194, 195

on trypsin in amylopsin in­jections, 227

Hailer on preformation, 96

Hartog on cell-digestion, 14

Haydon, W. T., on germ-cells of Peistiurus, 58

Healing, natural, of cancer, 236

Helmholtz on general principles, 46

Hereditary nature of cancer, 133

Heredity and unconscious mem­ory, 97

Hering and heredity, 97

“ Heterotype’ mitoses, 95, 102

Hill, J. P., on Perameles, 112

History of science, 167

Hoff, van ‘t, the work of, 153

Hofmeister and life-histories of plants, 152

Hubrecht and trophoblasts, 125, 161


Identical twins, 91, 101

two sorts of, 101

Identity of carcinoma and sar­coma, 212

Imitation tissues, 109, 134

Import of pancreatic secretion in cancer, 119

Importance of knowledge of pre­parations, 191

Impurities in preparations, 187

Inert ferments, 169, 191

Influence of food on ferment-secretion, 225

Injections, doses of, 203

the first, 9

number of, in York case, 8

of ro tryptic units, 9

Isomeric compounds, 148


Jhering, von, on armadillo em­bryos, 92, 132


Kleinenberg on substitution of organs, 124, 257

Kôlliker on Paludina sperms, 14

Ktihne, W., and trypsin, 138


“Laevo-men,” 150, 151

Latvulose in trophoblast and cancer, 157

Lambelle on Bainbridge’s cases, 184

and germ-cell work, 7

and liquefaction of cancer, 173

on lympho-sarcoma case, 185

in York, 8

and York case, 3

on York sarcoma case, 185

Lambelle’s case of “encepha­loid “ cancer, 4, 280

course of treatment, 215

report on sarcoma case, 209

work in Edinburgh, 8

Lancet on Bainbridge’s report, 180

laboratory for pharmaceu­tical tests, 222

on “negative result,” 34

Law of animal development, 42

Length of treatment, 205

Lewis, H. Edwin, trypsin in tuber­culosis, 271

Leyden, E. von, on action of trypsin, 193

on reaction of cancer, 163

Liberty, Mill on, 170

Life-cycle, chemical basis of, 22

of higher animals, 255

and stereo-isomeric com­pounds, 22

Liquefaction of cancer, 167, 172, 174, 241

Blumenthal on, 14, I5

Lambelle and, 173

of tongue, 174

a stereo-chemical reac­tion, 174



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