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                                                      GENERAL DIRECTIONS                                               207


order to allow the patient to enjoy the benefits of a stay by the sea. There is, however, nothing, except possibly the X or Röntgen rays, which is so favourable to the rapid growth and increase of cancer-cells as sea air. As asexual generation—-the equivalent of cancer—first arose in the sea, the possible reason of this may be obvious.

Finally, the writer begs to intimate to possible corre­spondents that he does not undertake to guarantee any particular preparations of pancreatic ferments. It has indeed been suggested that the writer should “hold himself responsible for the ferments being rightly furnished” to physicians who wish to “try” the enzyme treatment. The guarantees must be sought from the manufacturers, and not from one whose object in publishing these facts is merely to demonstrate beyond contradiction, that the words he said, regarding the uses Nature made of the secretion of the pancreas gland, at Liverpool on January 20, 1905, were true. Moreover, the writer holds strongly, that it is the duty of the State to provide and guarantee suitable injections of trypsin and of amylopsin, properly standardized, and in this way not allow these to be exploited at times by persons incom­petent to make up scientifically standardized injections of the kinds demanded by the treatment. Any work with the pancreatic enzymes, even the making-up of ampoules of injections, calls for great scientific knowledge, skill, and accuracy. As is well known to some, the enzymes are extremely delicate bodies, and often, when the inexperienced experimenter thinks he has got trypsin or amylopsin safely bottled and hermetically sealed up, all traces of it as an active agent have vanished.

On any point of difficulty arising out of the contents of this book, or in the scientific treatment of cancer cases, he is prepared to reply, as in the past, to all letters of a


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