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     90                                    THE ENZYME TREATMENT OF CANCER


Professor C. Giacomini seriously to heart, instead of ignoring them “Of all the structures of the egg, the chorion is that which arises before every other, quickly makes itself independent of the others, and, by the quick development of its cells, is placed in a position to live and to develop even when all other parts of the egg, through some cause or other, have ceased to exist.”

In recent years the writer has urged again and again that in researches upon animal development, two things must be kept sharply separate: the embryo or sexual form and the asexual foundation—in human development the chorion or trophoblast—upon which it arises. Accord­ing to orthodox embryology this chorion or trophoblast is a part of the embryo, although it is invariably present before any part of an embryo; although it may persist after the complete disappearance of the embryo ; although it is never formed from or by an embryo; and although ultimately it never makes any part of the embryonic body! Logically, how can it be maintained that a structure which arises before an embryo, and out of no part of it, and which never goes to form any part of any organ of the body, is embryonic or foetal in nature ? What is there to prevent, as Pick suggests, the total dis­appearance of all parts of an ovarian or testicular em­bryoma except the (pathological) chorion or trophoblast? The persistence and further growth of this would but, and does, result in cancer (carcinoma), lie who doubts this had better read the facts as they were described in 1905 by Dr. L. Pick, and as they are given in abstract in the Appendix. As the chorion is always present before an embryo, nothing in the abnormal development of a vagrant or aberrant germ-cell would appear to forbid the arrest of this prior to the appearance of any trace of an “embryoma,” with the natural sequel—a carcinoma.


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