
Contents Page



     288                                 THE ENZYME TREATMENT OF CANCER


Pick, L., in Berlin discussion, 252

Pinkus, S., experiments of, 178

Plants, sexual generation of, 158

Polar bodies and tumours, 73, 100

     of mammals, 81

Polarimeter, 20, 179

crucial test by, 179

test by, 240

Polarized light, 20

Pope, W. J., on dextro-men and dextro-women. 20, 150

on double digestive ap­paratus, 21, 151

on isomeric compounds, 150

On laevo-men 23, 151

on sugars as food-stuffs, 20, 150

Predestination, 44

Preformation, 96

Preparations, genuine, need of, 221

German, 192, 195, 196, 202, 281

guarantees of, 207

importance of knowledge of, 191

standardization of, 199

various, employed, 196

Primary germ-cells as equiva­lents of spore mother cells, 126

history of, 128

Principles, general, 42, 45

in research, 235

Priority, scientific, 279

Production of antitrypsin ex­plained, 187


Racemic acid, 240

Reactions to pancreatic ferments in cancer, 219

Recapitulation, 44, 258, 261

Relations of pancreatic ferment to normal tissues, 176

of trypsin and amylopsin, 223

 Remak-Cohnheim rest-theory, 18, 70, 98, 237

Report, Bainbridge’s, 10, 166

            Henry Morris’s, 10

Reported successful cases, 273

Reports, adverse, 9

Requirements of treatment, 197

Research, general principles in, 235

official cancer, 236

on “trypsin,” 169

Rests, embryonic, 67

Results,      negative, in science, 277

                         value of, 170, 171

Ribbert’s theory, 70

Richardson, M. H., on cancer of the breast, 4

                     on diagnosis of cancer, 4

Roberts, W., units of activity, 201

Röntgen or X rays, discovery of, 5

Rotation of trypsin and amylopsin 24

Roux and experimental embry­ology, 80

Rule of science re evidence, 10


Sachs on Hofmeister’s researches, 152

Sarcoma and carcinoma, identity of, 95

case of multiple, 31

definition of, 140

York, case of, 3, 209

Schlagenhaufer on chorio-epithe­lioma, 88

Schmorl on “benign” chorio­epithelioma, 131

Science, demands of, 11

freedom of, 12

requirements of, 41

rule of, re evidence, 10

Scientific experiments, negative results in, 5, 277

single successful, 5

truth, 42

Self-digestion of liver, 33

Neuberg and Yoshimoto on, 33

Sexual and asexual generations, 13

generation of plants, 158

Single case of cure, Richardson on, 4

Sleeping-sickness, ferments in, 136

Snails, parasitic, 84

Specific action of trypsin, 155

Spore mother cells, 126

Statistics of cancer, 41

Stereo-chemical evidences, 13

       test of cancer, 1

Stereo-chemistry and cancer, 122, 143

and direct development, 21

Stereo-isomerjc compounds and life-cycle, 22, 47

Sticker and Falk (carbenzyme), 14, 282

Suppression of asexual generation, mode of, 117



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