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    178                                  THE ENZYME TREATMENT OF CANCER


they do not arise always, though threatening to do so, as in the Uppingham case of cancer of the stomach and liver.

In his report Dr. Bainbridge does not conceal a ten­dency to belittle the experiences of other physicians. Some of “ the earlier claims of cures “ were not so “ absurd” as he imagines, and the “ strange symptoms” and “ terrific “ results from small doses were, in my opinion, correct. The author overlooks the circum­stance that he was not using the same injections as these observers, that he had profited by the increased ex­periences of the makers. Looked at scientifically, the writer would anticipate “ terrific “ results, even serious ones, from the use of small doses of trypsin in certain cases of cancer, where the tumour was large and the antitryptic power of the blood small. His remarks upon this and other matters only reveal to the scientific observer a lack of scientific imagination and of the capacity to adapt means to ends, which is so important in scientific experiment. If an injection be deficient in amylopsin, as also if it be not properly freed from poisonous; peptones, even the use of no more than 1 c.c. daily may, as I have known to happen, be attended by serious consequences. Like the literature in general, the experimental results of Dr. S. Pinkus* receive no notice in this “ scientific report.” This investigator found the following things after injecting certain unnamed sterile solutions of “ pancreatin preparations” in dogs and guinea-pigs: “ Here one or two injections sufficed to raise the temperature from 1o to 1.8o permanently; in all cases there was a strong local reaction, invariably leading to further necroses. Five cavies and the dog No. 4 died in eight to ten days.” It is also added that

*  Pinkuss, A., and Pinkus, S.:” Die Krebskrankheit und ihre therapeutische durch Fermente” Sonderabdruck aus der Medizinsche Klinik, 1907, Nos. 28 and 29 ; 15 pages.


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