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    136                                   THE ENZYME TREATMENT OF CANCER


to degenerate, and, as represented by the trophoblast, they do the like in a mammal or a man.

This leads to an inquiry as to modes of nutrition, regarding which the reader may find much interesting information in Verworn’s “General Physiology,” and still more in Otto von Furth’s “ Vergleichende chemische Physiologie der niederen Tiere,” Jena, 1903. The uni­cellular organisms or protozoa, all asexual generations of animals—such as invertebrate larvae, fish blastoderm, and mammalian trophoblast, not forgetting cancer-cells— nourish themselves intracellularly and by means of a ferment acting in slightly acid medium. On the other hand, an extracellular digestion, by means of ferments, pancreatic enzymes, acting in slightly acid, neutral, or alkaline media, is restricted to the sexual generations or individuals of the higher animals (Metazoa) and man. In the former the ferment is possibly always the like one, and it would possibly be, to my mind, identical with the cancer-ferment, discovered by Eugen Petry in 1899, and which I have named” malignin.” The ferments of the sexual generations being much more powerful than the intracellular one found in the forms referred to above— being, indeed, the most powerful things in the whole range of organic nature—it would follow that just as these higher ferments destroy in life the living cells of malignant tumours, pulling down their albumins, so also they must destroy the organisms—usually asexual genera­tions, of tuberculosis, sleeping-sickness, malaria, yellow fever, etc.—when injected into the blood by means of hypodermal medication.* Regarded from the strictly scientific standpoint of the embryologist, who is “not

*  Now (1911) the writer would desire to call special attention to these words, written and published more than four years ago, but hitherto unheeded.


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