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                                                     THE INTERLUDE OF CANCER                                       137


even a medical man,” the tubercle bacillus, like the trypanosome, or the organism of yellow fever, or that of malaria, etc., can no more live in the presence of these higher ferments than the cancer-cell can. This has been shown apparently, in one case at least, clinically and pathologically for the tubercle bacillus, by my friend Dr. Margaret A. Cleaves,* of New York City. The first case of cancer which it fell to her able brain and skilled hands to treat by means of injections of pancreatic fer­ments was also complicated by tuberculosis of the bowel. When, in August, 1906, the first communications passed between us, I informed Dr. Cleaves that, in my scientific opinion, whatever happened to the large masses of rectal cancer present, which appeared too great to leave room for hope of their entire removal, the tubercle bacilli would be bound to go. They disappeared, and after amylopsin had been injected for some little time the pathologists failed to find a single tubercle bacillus in the discharge, where previously they had been abundant. In our joint opinion, the result was due rather to amy­lopsin than to trypsin, for the former is the medium of all others in which the leucocytes can act. As in the treat­ment of cancer, the injection used against any of the above human inflictions should be an extract, freshly prepared from the pancreas gland direct, and containing all the ferments, especially the one in the presence of which the leucocytes act—amylopsin. **

*      Cleaves, M. A.:” The Physiological Action of the Pan­creatic Enzymes, with Special Reference to Hematology, Urin­ology, and Clinical Pathology,” Medical Record, June1, 1907.

** Now (1911) for tuberculosis, malaria, sleeping-sickness, yellow fever, etc., I would advise the use of injections of 500 tryptic units per ampoule, plus 1,000 to 2,000 amylolytic units per ampoule (vide Appendix F). Compare also Bätzner, Wilhelm: “Trypsinbehandlung d. Chir. Tuberculose,” in Arch. him. Chmr., vol. xcv., Heft 1, 1911.


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