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     170                                 THE ENZYME TREATMENT OF CANCER


and evidences for my conclusions as to the nature of cancer and its treatment on natural or scientific lines were beyond them. “ Was der Bauer nit kennt, das frisst er nit.” What the leader-writer or ex-cancer researcher never learnt, that he is not likely to try and refute. Even “ medical science “ would tilt in vain against the organization of the visible universe, though it has often made the essay, as witness Pasteur’s experiences.

In his essay “ on Liberty,” which, as a weighty, scientific document may be recommended to the atten­tion of those who write on and of “ medical science,” John Stuart Mill says: “ The dictum that truth always triumphs over persecution is one of those pleasant falsehoods which men repeat after one another till they pass into commonplaces, but which all experience refutes.”

The passage cited was laid down by Mill in 1878, and possibly human nature has changed since then. The reader will note that all experience refutes the dictum. Medicine, which includes, or should include, the applica­tions of certain sciences to human needs, has its own history in this respect. It is much simpler, and requires infinitely less knowledge, a modicum of crass ignorance often sufficing. to stifle a. truth in its birth than to refute it on scientific grounds. To attempt to do the latter, moreover, entails the observance of certain canons of science, one of these being that no assertion shall be made without the production of the evidences. This is, perhaps, the real reason why the evidences for the asexual (trophoblastic) nature of cancer, etc., have never been attacked on scientific grounds.

   The numerous “ negative results” obtained by Dr. Bainbridge and by many other medical men are not scientific evidences against the truth of my conclusions.


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