That's no problem, we absolutely know how to cure polio.
The following on Ebola and/or the Marburg Virus is of current interest
and other hemorrhagic fevers are Acute Induced Scurvy
Massive Doses of Vitamin C Do Not Cause Free Radicals in Vivo, Review of Literature by Ian Dettman
![]() by Thomas Levy (Paperback - September 2002) Physician Handbook |
Google Search for "Vitamin C" and "bird flu" yields 60,000 links
"Orthomolecular Medicine emphasizes natural substances such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fats, and diet in the prevention and treatment of diseases. Food and chemical sensitivities, candida, and parasites are considered important. Chelation for the elimination of heavy toxic metals is utilized where needed. I am especially interested in the use of mega doses of vitamin C, both orally and intravenously." -Robert F. Cathcart, M.D.-
This link may require Acrobat running in the background.
His book, Medical Pioneer of the 20th Century, Describes how acute induced scurvy is the cause of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.) His constant fight with the medical establishment in Australia and their refusal to listen to the obvious which would save thousands of infants is recorded. Describes how innocent people are unjustly jailed for the shaken baby syndrome. Describes the injustice of the Australian Nanny case (the most famous case of shaken baby syndrome.) Describes many other nutritional problems of the Aboriginal children which are also present in white children all over the world.
See the above book by Archie Kalokerinos, M.D., Medical Pioneer of the 20th Century, who has shown that SIDS is caused by acute induced scurvy. Why is this not investigated? As far as I know there have never been any studies that refute this claim. Is admitting that large doses of ascorbate that terrible? In the reference by Hattersley above one can see the massive number of references on this subject in the literature. This hiding of the efficacy of ascorbate is going from the ridiculous to the sublime.
The proposed studies are fraught with possibilities of not making it work if previous patterns of investigating ascorbate are utilized. One of the frequent problems of investigators who have contacted me about investigating ascorbate is that the investigational committees, ethics committee, or pharmacy committee will not allow the investigator to use adequate doses of ascorbate thereby insuring failure of the project. To learn how to treat many cancers with ascorbate, the investigators should contact Hugh Riordan, M.D. Refusing to do that I would suggest no less than 60-120 grams of sodium ascorbate intravenously rapidly infused at a rate of 60 grams in 2 to 3 hours every day for several months. As the tumor resolves, the infusions may possibly be dropped to 2 times a week for a long time. One caution is that if the patient has not been taking ascorbate orally in fairly large doses, they should be started on oral ascorbic acid very slowly if there is widespread metastasis. This caution is because about one out of 100 tumors will suddenly drop dead at the sight of ascorbate and the sudden death of a large tumor mass may kill the patient. This caution was noted in Cameron and Pauling's Vitamin C and Cancer. Additionally, I would suggest a overall nutritional support plan that Hugh Riordan, M.D. could help with. Especially important in addition to the basic nutrients is alpha lipoic acid 100 mg 3 times a day.
This paper is important when one is thinking about how ascorbate could selectively kill cancer and not normal cells. Normal cells have catalase and cancer cells do not.
This disease is made more deadly because of the "acute induced scurvy" involved. This means that intravenous sodium ascorbate and later bowel tolerance doses of ascorbic acid should be administered along with the appropriate antibiotic. Not only does the ascorbate broaden the spectrum of activity of the antibiotics against bacteria and works synergistically with the antibiotic, but it avoids allergic reactions to the antibiotic. The susceptibility of sick people to allergic reactions is because of the up-regulation of the immune system while you are sick. This up-regulation is caused by free radicals. If the free radicals are neutralized by massive doses of ascorbate, the immune system, as far as allergic reactions are concerned, is down-regulated so that allergic reactions to the antibiotics do not occur. However, unlike steroids that universally down-regulate the immune system, ascorbate up-regulates the ability of white cells to kill viruses and bacteria.
The incidence of meningitis "surges" after the flu because the acute induced scurvy induced by the flu decreases the ability of the body to fight off the meningitis bacteria.
We had better quit ignoring the Massive Doses of Vitamin C cures of many of these diseases before it is too late. Even if an epidemic broke out which was 90% fatal, it would take too long for the medical profession to get its act together. I do not look forward to a small population of vitamin C takers left to populate the world.
An epidemic of the flu in a country is where they are too dumb to know how to use ascorbate properly.
In the US the worst is yet to come . This epidemic is totally unnecessary because we can cure the flu with massive doses of ascorbic acid orally and, in the worst cases (or cases who also have ulcers, gastritis, etc., preventing taking adequate dose of ascorbic acid), with intravenous sodium ascorbate. The flu virus damages mitochondria in the affected tissues which cause the mitochondria to make free radicals. These free radicals damage adjacent mitochondria which cause them to make more free radicals. A free radical cascade results. This massive amount of free radicals destroys all the vitamin C in the affected tissues. Without vitamin C the white cells cannot eat up the viruses. The only thing that saves most is that after a week or so, the antibodies destroy the viruses. Antibodies are turned on by free radicals. In the meantime, the "acute induced scurvy " in the affected tissues may result in pneumonia, sinusitis, otitis media, etc. All this can be averted with massive doses of ascorbate. What we are doing with the truly massive doses of ascorbate is throwing away the vitamin C for the electrons carried by the vitamin C. We are driving the electrons in high concentration (forcing a reducing redox potential) into the affected tissues and neutralizing the free radicals. Incidentally, it also provides enough vitamin C in the affected tissues so that the white cells come out fighting mad and destroy the viruses immediately. This phenomenon is a threshold phenomenon: a high enough concentration of ascorbate and its electrons must be achieved, and then suddenly the free radicals are neutralized. Lesser doses will not accomplish this. If done properly, the massive doses of ascorbate will cure the disease.
For God's sake, they can use intravenous sodium ascorbate and stop this carnage. These patients should be given up to three bottles of 60 grams of sodium ascorbate per 24 hours until they are much better, then continue bowel tolerance doses of ascorbic acid until well. If the doctors will not give the sodium ascorbate intravenously then take the bowel tolerance doses of ascorbic acid by mouth and if you have a strong stomach, it will probably save your life.
This is tragic. These patients are dying of acute induced scurvy. Intravenous ascorbate should be used in all these flu cases. Ascorbate would markedly reduce the death rate.
This Flu is obviously causing Acute Induced Scurvy and this causes the spread into bronchitis, pneumonia, etc., and we will be very lucky if there are no deaths among some elderly. All this could be averted with massive doses of ascorbic acid orally or in severe cases intravenous sodium ascorbate.
This is ridiculous. Many people will die if ascorbate is not used.
Comment by RFC: The Medical Tribune, which under the guidance of the great humanitarian and medical prophet Arthur M. Sackler, M.D., followed my early work on vitamin C ( 1, 2, 3), is still in the forefront in reporting the importance of nutritional and integrative medicine ( 1, 2).
Comment by RFC: Note in all of these cases that develop into a hemorrhagic fever, the toxicity of the disease is so severe as to deplete all of the bodies of vitamin C, this results in acute induced systemic scurvy which results in hemorrhaging from many tissues of the body. The administration of intravenous vitamin C in combination with the standard treatments for the disease would reduce the fatality rates of these diseases. In all these diseases, if the serum vitamin C were to be measured, it would be found to be zero. This then results in the breakdown of all tissues requiring collagen which includes blood vessels. Hemorrhage results (a classic sign of scurvy.)
The reason these patients hemorrhage is because of "acute induced scurvy." They should be treated with intravenous sodium ascorbate and then ascorbic acid orally as they recover. A lot of people may die unnecessarily of this disease some day soon if this treatment with ascorbate for infectious diseases is not recognized.
Comment by RFC: Note that these classic cases of scurvy are the result of chronic deficiency of vitamin C. Imagine what happens when a severe infectious diseasse wipes out all of the vitamin C in the body in a few hours. The capillaries hemorrhage all over the body. Some patients with a disease such as Dengue Fever, if they started out in very good health or have early treatment, etc., may not go onto the hemorrhagic stage; but if the disease is able to totally deplete the vitamin C of the body, shortly the hemorrhages start and the white cells cannot fight the virus. Death is almost certain unless the acute systemic scurvy is treated with massive doses of C. The doses have to be massive because the massive amounts of free radicals generated by the disease process destroy the vitamin C at such a rate that the doses based upon the usual concepts of how vitamin C should be administered are many times inadequate.
Medical Pioneer of the 20th Century, Describes how acute induced scurvy is the cause of SIDS, Descibed how innocent people are unjustly jailed for shaken baby syndrome, Describes the injustice of the Australian Nanny case (the most famous case of shaken baby syndrome.) Describes many other nutritional problems of the Aboriginal children which are also present in white children all over the world.
Review of Dr. Levy's book by Andrew Saul, PhD.
Remember that measles is easily cured or ameliorated by
massive doses of ascorbate.
I found this link on the Drudge Report but it comes up with a
blank page with just the header. I always wonder what is going on when references
like this disappear. I will try to keep on top of this. The reason I was so
interested in this is because massive doses of vitamin C (ascorbic acid orally or sodium
ascorbate intravenously) is helpul with the Gulf War Syndrome. Subsequently,
browsing the newspapers revealed that the suspected drug was a vaccination against nerve
gas. Vitamin C:
mysterious benefits. (please follow the various links of this site.) This article clearly spells out part of how drug companies think. Did you know
that your health is subject to this kind of thinking? Wake up. I find this article amazing. It is the first time I have seen a source
like Harvard say that there is any value in eliminating nightshades and other possible
food allergins in arthritis. It is about time considering that we have known this
for years. Since fibromyalgia is a frequent symptom of the chronic fatigue syndrome, I guess his
conclusion would be that if a person has a cough with a cold, it is psychological. If you do not understand the disease, blame it on the patient. Exercise increases the formation of free radicals. Sometimes this is enough in
some people to develop urticaria and other signs of anaphylaxis. Massive doses of
ascorbate will prevent this by neutralizing these extra free radicals. The other thing is the comment that B6 can be dangerous. Yes, it can cause
numbness and tingling, even finally a temporary paralysis but this is really not due to a
B6 toxicity; it is an induced deficiency of other B vitamins causing beriberi or pellagra.
Anyone in orthomolecular medicine knows that you never give large doses of B6
without moderate doses of the other B vitamins. If non-orthomolecular M.D.s would
stop cutting vitamins, they might learn how to use them. One very subtile fact is that by scare tactics arguing over 500 mg doses of
vitamin C, they completely hide the fact that to get dramatic cures of some diseases it
takes 50 to 200 grams or more (50,000 to 200,000 mg or more) of vitamin C. The
amazing thing is that these huge doses do not cause these troubles but they keep us
worrying about a pitiful 1/2 gram or 500 mg. Really. It is
interesting to see a subject like vitamin E being good for the heart being written about
by the experts and never giving the Shute brothers any credit. I am interested in
who will discover titrating to bowel
tolerance with ascorbic acid years from now so I can apologize to them for
plagiarizing their work back in the '70s. I advise that you first look at the Quackwatch website (the following link)
and then read the various exposures of the character of the people behind them.
You will then understand the dangerousness of this type of thinking.
Unfortunately, much of orthodoxy relies on such as Quackwatch. The
effect is genocidal. Content (C) 2005 and prior years, Robert F. Cathcart, M.D.
Rowen, M.D., Educational Videos
The Roots of Molecular
Medicine: A Tribute to Linus Paulimg
Bert Berkson,
M.D., Las Cruces, New Mexico
Bert Berkson's Triple
Antioxidant Therapy for Hepatitis C
The Alpha-Lipoc
Acid Breakthrough
Michael Gerber, M.D., The
Gerber Medical Clinic, Reno, Nevada
Sherry A. Rogers, MD.,
Stop Breast Cancer in Its Tracks
Dennis Best, NMD, Naturopathic Physician, Tuscon, AZ
The Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Papers
Orthomolecular Web Sites:
The Vitamin C Foundation.
Pauling investigates vitamin C. The History of Linus Pauling's Interest
in Vitamin C.
Abram Hoffer, M.D., PhD., F.R.C.P. (C)
Hoffer's Home Page -Orthomolecular
Treatment of Cancer.
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View | Nutri-Store ]
The Linus Pauling
INVENTED A CURE FOR HEART DISEASE IN 1991 This site is dedicated to the memory of Linus
Pauling (1901-1994)
Evidence that Vitamin C Saves
up to 621,000 Lives from Heart Disease Alone
Related Articles and Sites
William J. Rea, M.D.,
Environmental Health Center-Dallas This site is excellent for those with food,
chemical and heavy metal sensitivities.
American Environmental Health Foundation
Autism: Treatments,
chelation of mercury, by Amy S. Holmes, M.D.
acid (vitamin C) effects on withdrawal syndrome of heroin abusers.
Rimland, Ph.D. Autism Research Institute.
Vitamin C in the
Prevention and Treatment of Autism (1998)
Cforyourself, An extensive source
on Vitamin C.
Steven Wm. Fowkes, Antioxidants,
Antibodies and Autoimmune Disease
William Crook,
M.D. The Yeast Connection
William Crook,
M.D.'s Yeast Connection Questionnaire.
William Crook, M.D.'s Yeast
Connection Questionnaire for Children.
Gary Null's Natural
The Antioxidant Vitamin - Vitamin C - published in the
Townsend Letter for Doctors in 1994
C, RDAs and Politics by Steven Wm. Fowkes
T. A. Ely, Ph.D.
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Search for physicians in ACAM
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Other Resources
The Arthritis Trust of America
The CFIDS Association of
Environmental Health
Network's Home Page
Health Broadcast Network,
Your Personal 24 Hour Health Connection
Michael A. Weiner, Ph.D.,
Herbs that Heal, synopsis of the effects of many of the most useful herbs.
H.R. Alsleben, M.D., Our Greatest
Biological Catastrophe: Spongiform Encephalopathy Prion Disease Mad Cow Disease.
ISN'T TELLING YOU, Lorraine Day, M.D.
Dr. Andrew Saul, DoctorYourself.Com
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Health News
(note: I am leaving some of the following links in place even
after they have been discontinued because they still serve to illustated the large number
of articles coming out of the lay press that prove that nutrients are of value. They
put some of the statements in a following section "Another Point of
View" in proper perspective.)
Measles Outbreak Prompts Chinese Orphanage Caution
Effect of ascorbic acid on plasma cholesterol in humans in a long-term experiment.
So even if you believe in the cholesterol hoax you should take ascorbic acid.
therapy with vitamins C plus E inhibits survivin and human prostate cancer
cell growth.
prevention and nonsurgical repair.
Ascorbate in the Treatment of Allergic Disturbances
Reduced Risk of Alzheimer Disease in Users of Antioxidant Vitamin Supplements
vitamins and mortality in older persons: findings from the nutrition add-on
study to the Medical Research Council Trial of Assessment and Management of
Older People in the Community.
In other words, low blood vitamin C
concentrations in the older British population are strongly predictive of
Vitamins C and E prevent influenza virus-induced oxidative damage
Yes, but what about in humans. We are way ahead
of the mouse doctors. The the article on
titrating to bowel tolerance for the doses that work the best.
Vitamin C works better in humans than in mice anyway because a mouse is an
ascorbate producing animal and sometimes experiments with mice with vitamin
C may produce negative results because the vitamin C given the mouse may
make the mouse produce less vitamin C. This fact, cleverly ignored,
has been used by enemies of vitamin C (drug industry) to produce fake
reports about vitamin C being ineffective.
pain from osteoarthritis in hip joint or knee joint during treatment with
calcium ascorbate. A randomized, placebo-controlled cross-over trial in
general practice
What is this "If the finding can be reproduced with a
smaller, acceptable intake of vitamin C, this would be of importance
considering the large prevalence of osteoarthrosis?" A smaller,
acceptable intake than one gram a day? Where have these researchers
been? Don't get me wrong. I am sort of thankful that they used
any vitamin C at all and I am sure the authors may be taking flack over even
trying that. However, anyone who thinks that one gram a day on vitamin
C is a high dose and unacceptable either must be a M.D. or live on another
planet. Thousands die of NSAIDs each year and no one dies of vitamin C
no matter how much they take. NSAIDs are expensive and vitamin C is
cheap. Oh! but NSAIDs profit the drug industry while vitamin C does
vitamin C, cholesterol and homocysteine are associated with
grey matter volume determined by MRI in non-demented old people.
In other words, those who take vitamin C will be
smarter in their old age than those who do not. Maybe they are just
smarter in the first place. Most physicians even take vitamin C.
They just do not give it to patients for obvious financial reasons.
Improvement of peripheral endothelial dysfunction by acute vitamin C
application: different effects in patients with coronary artery disease,
ischemic, and dilated cardiomyopathy.
Oxidative Stress-Induced Dysregulation of Arteriolar Wall Shear Stress in
Hyperhomocysteinemia is Prevented by Chronic Vitamin-C treatment.
This study shows another reason why vitamin C is beneficial to the
heart. It shows that vitamin C along with folic acid counters the damage
of homocysteine.
and vitamin C.
Ditto as above.
Long-Term Use of Vitamin E and C Supplements May Help to Maintain
Cognitive Function in Elderly WomenArticles on Vitamin C and Helicobacter
Ascorbic acid dynamics in the seriously ill and injured
At 3 grams a day, they began to see some results. I wonder if
the pharmacy committee and the ethics committee at their hospital would let
them use 300 grams a day (if a miracle happens and they
do approve such a study, remember that massive doses of ascorbate have to be
buffered if given IV . That is why I am calling it sodium ascorbate all the
time to avoid confusion.) Then they would see spectacular results.
Don't get me wrong, this study is a step in the correct direction but at this
rate it will be a couple of generations before the true potential of massive
doses of vitamin C will be realized and the profits of the drug industry
However, the authors are to be congratulated because they have managed
to sneak over on the editors the fact of acute induced
scurvy after injury and infection. This is a step in the right
direction and makes it difficult to rationalize not giving large doses of C.
Actually, it won't make much difference for years because
the tactic is to stonewall massive doses of vitamin C. The genocidal
jerks protecting the profits of the drug industry know full well that their
ridiculous position against massive doses of ascorbate cannot stand up to any
scientific study. (Note: the little "s"
science, not the big "S" religious
Science of the quackbusters.)
of vitamin E and vitamin C combination on experimental influenza virus
It is probably a good thing to give a little vitamin E along with the C but
more importantly higher and higher doses of C should be used. You should
give the C until all the symptoms of the influenza are eliminated (neutralize
all the free radicals.) So whenever you limit the amount of vitamin C
given the experiment does not reflect on how C will work if it is administered
Another thing is that mice are ascorbate producing animals so you have to be
careful that ascorbate you give them does not inhibit the amount of ascorbate
they make. Therefore, experiments concerning ascorbate have little human
relevance unless done on man, monkey, or the guinea pig. These animals
make not ascorbate themselves.
CU and
Seoul researchers report anti-cancer mechanism of vitamin C
Antioxidants May Help Brain Vs. Alcohol
Curing Schizophrenia with high doses of niacin and vitamin C
Inertia on folic
acid has caused thousands of unnecessary deaths
And this is nothing compared to
the systematic suppression of knowledge about vitamin C. All of this
profits the drug industry.
Sex Spreads Drug-Resistant Gonorrhea in UK
In the 1970's a drug resistant gonorrhea was spreading around King's Beach,
California. I never saw a case that did not respond to
bowel tolerance doses of ascorbic acid plus the
usually otherwise effective antibiotic. Not only did the ascorbate
increase the spectrum of activity of the antibiotic to include the resistant
strains but it prevented allergic reactions to the antibiotic. Gonorrhea
without its free radical cover is nothing and without free radicals, there are
no allergic reactions. No wonder the drug industry does not want the
public to find out about massive doses of ascorbate.
Acid Fosters Embryonic Stem Cell Differentiation Into Cardiac Myocytes
internet will speed up this
C in chronic kidney disease and hemodialysis patients.
What about all that propaganda about vitamin C being toxic to the kidneys?
Could this be part of the plan to keep people from learning how to use massive
doses of ascorbate to cure acute infectious diseases?
Pulmonary bioavailability of ascorbic acid in an ascorbate-synthesising
species, the horse.
FDA Halts Study On Dietary Supplements
Probably they were getting good results an extension of which might
reduce the use and therefore the profits of the drug industry.
Ascorbic Acid Fosters
Embryonic Stem Cell
Differentiation Into Cardiac Myocytes
Vitamin C Boosts Immune System in as Little as 5 hours, Study Shows
As it has become almost impossible to tell the public that vitamin C
is useless, this is the next generation of stalls. Sounds good but it
hides the fact that massive doses of ascorbate can cure the acute infectious
diseases. At the rate they are using it like in this case 1 gram, they
will be able to stall another 100 years before the correct way of using
ascorbate will be discovered. Hopefully, the
C Transforms Mouse Stem Cells Into Heart Muscle Cells
Multivitamins Appear To Decrease The Frequency Of Minor Infections
Check this out. About 50 years too late, but maybe some hope the
drug industry is losing it grip on all medical information.
Vitamin C May Guard Against Labor Complication
vitamin C superior to diltiazem for radial artery vasodilation in
patients awaiting coronary artery bypass grafting? Junk
Food Diet Brings Scurvy to Modern Age
Working On Hospital Infections
This is a joke because we already know how to prevent most hospital
infections. All you have to do is to use massive doses of ascorbate.
But that would be a disaster for the drug industry because it would markedly
reduce the sales of antibiotics.
and vitamin C.
C prevents endothelial dysfunction induced by acute exercise in patients with
intermittent claudication.
Depts. Aim To Spot Bioterror
All this sounds great and may be of limited help. How about
spending some millions on making available and training physicians how to give
massive doses of intravenous sodium ascorbate to all
patients showing up at emergency rooms with fevers of unknown origin.
This would prevent almost all the free radical deaths
which includes the acute induced scurvy of the hemorrhagic fevers. But
then it would become obvious that all infectious diseases can be cured or
ameliorated by massive doses of ascorbate and that would cut the profits of
the drug industry. So forget that; let the patients die unnecessarily.
They sure didn't give a damn about the polio cure with
massive doses of ascorbate back in 1949.
flu 'on the way'
This may be true if they will not learn to use massive doses of
ascorbate on the coming flu to neutralize the killing free radicals. I
have treated hundreds of cases of the various flues over the years and massive
doses of ascorbate have never failed to cure or ameliorate the diseases if
taken in adequate doses. This maneuver will probably not be done to
protect the profits of the drug companies. To hell with the patients.
Anything to protect the profits. The fact that polio
could be cure by massive doses of sodium ascorbate intravenously has been kept
secret since 1949.
Views of the Optimun Doses of Vitamin C, E. Ginter, Solvak Republc
These views are interesting but they cannot see the forest for the
leaves. All of the arguments are based on laboratory tests or on
statistical analysis of groups of people. This is fine as far as it goes
but unfortunately it seems to hide from them the usefulness of massive doses
of ascorbate in the treatment of acute diseases and conditions.
The problem is that to force a reducing redox potential onto the tissues
involved in a disease, it takes far higher doses than are discussed in this
article. Ginter is almost there but is missing the big point about
massive doses of ascorbate. I hope this is an honest error and not just
part of the plot to preserve the profits of the drug industry. It is
typical of what will be an new generation of thought about vitamin C and will
be used by many to delay the recognition of the great value of massive doses
of ascorbate in treating many diseases. This is particularly sad when we
consider the value of ascorbate in treating diseases that might be used in
biologic warfare.
contract flesh-eating infection
and more strep infections resistant to drugs
As with all acute infections, use bowel
tolerance doses of ascorbic acid or in very severe cases, intravenous sodium ascorbate. When
ascorbate in large amounts is used, it markedly
increases the spectrum of activity of antibiotics, prevents allergic reactions to antibiotics,
and neutralizes the dangerous free radicals
generated by the infection.
vitamins lessen response to cholesterol drugs
Vitamin C can be
considered a potential protective agent against side effects of antitumor drugs
C and E: missing links in preventing preterm premature rupture of
ascorbic acid deficiency promotes endothelial dysfunction and the development
of atherosclerosis.
An Unusual Cause of Anemia
therapies for ocular disorders, part two: cataracts and glaucoma.
You Tell Me More About The Cancer-Preventing Properties Of Lycopene?
Low cholesterol may raise risk of death in elderly.
Baltimore Claims
West Nile Problem
Florida Fears
Massive Outbreak of West Nile Virus
Thousands of
West Nile Viral Infections Occurred During The 1999 Outbreak
Possible Use of
Ascorbate in Bacteriologic Warfare
lawmakers warned of "dark winter" in case of bioterrorist attack
of Influenza in Highly Vaccinated Crew of U.S. Navy Ship
IOM Scrutinizes
Link Between Vaccines, Neurological Problems
chipmunk at Tahoe had bubonic plague
Deaths in Seniors Expected to Double in 30 Years
Growing Medical
Fear Over Possible Carcinogenic Virus
Linked to About One Third of Ischemic Strokes in Children
Probably, this is caused by free radical damage to the child'd blood vessels caused
by the chickenpox virus. This is similar to arteriosclerosis being initiated by free
radical damage to blood vessel walls. Give ascorbic acid to bowel tolerance in mild
cases and intravenous sodium ascorbate
to severe cases to neutralize the free radicals. This should prevent the strokes
Estrogen Is
Harmful. June 13, 2001
RFC Comment: Use natural progesterone topically on the skin. See the work of John Lee, M.D. on natural progesterone.
of sex partners linked to prostate cancer
RFC comment: Although this article does not directly relate to nutrition, I
find it interesting because it implies that prostate cancer may be initiated by an
of Cranberry Juice Reduces UTI Risk
Sex Partners Raises Virus Risk In Young Women
Nutrition Linked With More Virulent Virus
sheds light on mystery behind preeclampsia
Polio Virus Destroys Malignant Glioma Cells in Animal Model
This sounds like a great idea. It is only a hypothesis but those doing
research of this type should realize that if the virus begins to do undesirable damage to
the patient that they could be "rescued" with massive amounts of ascorbate
intravenously. Remember that even
the wild strains of polio can easily be cured with intravenous ascorbate.
Infection in Youth Appears to Prime CNS for Later Development of MS
This is only a hypothesis but this is the reason that I think
that the free radicals generated by infections, which damage cells, should be aggressively scavenged with ascorbate when
someone has any infectious disease. This scavenging would prevent damage to cells
that make them appear to be foreign to the immune system and trigger off autoimmune
diseases in the genetically susceptible person.
Therapy for Hepatitis C Shows Promise
All this interferon jazz is ridiculous. It is very
expensive and has many side reactions. Acute hepatitis C can easily be cured with intravenous ascorbate and chronic hepatitis
C can be controlled with oral C to tolerance,
alpha lipoic acid, selenium, silymarin, vitamin E, and a multiple vitamin-mineral
program. This is inexpensive and has no significant side reactions. I have
never seen a case need liver transplant, cancer of the liver, or acute hepatic
necrosis. This is not a hypothesis; this works.
pneumoniae Infection Tied to Asthma
Maybe this is why massive doses of
ascorbate help asthmatics so much. Since ascorbate ameliorates all infectious
diseases by scavenging free radicals, we would expect it to help asthma. I noticed
a news item last night where websites were graded by certain words they included like
inhalants for asthma. This is not graded well because patients treated with
ascorbate usually do not need inhalers.
Rate of Severe Liver Toxicity Associated With Antiretroviral Therapy
Obviously. This liver toxicity can be prevented with oral C to tolerance, alpha lipoic acid,
selenium, silymarin, vitamin E, and a multiple vitamin-mineral program.
vitamins linked to healthy lungs
memory linked to high homocysteine levels
plus low folate linked to breast cancer
Radical Scavengers Protect Against HIV Neurotoxicity in Vitro
Is Heart Disease Caused
by Infection?
vitamins linked to healthy lungs
D and calcium keep blood pressure down
to allow vitamin B-heart disease health claim
moms who breast-feed may need vitamin B6
of vitamin B12 linked to repeat miscarriage
Q10 May Benefit Some Patients With Familial Cerebellar Ataxia
FDA to Allow
Vitamin B-Heart Disease Health Claim
E May Help Prevent Alzheimer's in Certain Patients
Should Not Be Used For Osteoporosis Without New Trials
Regardless, anyone taking statin drugs should be taking CoQ10 also.
Without Cardiac Disease Should Avoid Aspirin
vitamin E may protect arteries
How can this be written about vitamin E without crediting the Shutes? To not credit
them is plagiarism. They were called quacks when they said that 50 years
ago. The
comments on vitamin C are ridiculous (See links on this.)
Metal Toxicity
Sulphate Proves Worth In Long-Term Osteoarthritis Trial
Common Infections May Raise Risk Of
Hardening Of The Arteries
panel says estrogen a cancer agent
Palmetto may fight prostate cancer
identified eight different chemicals in the extract. Once we know more
about each component, we hope to identify which chemical has the
most potent effect on prostate cancer cells and develop that into a
treatment," Goldmann told Reuters Health in an interview. " This statement can be interpreted that they are looking for a single
patentable drug. The problem is that even if the whole herb is effective and
maybe even more effective than any individual component, it is not patentable so don't
expect the big drug companies and therefore physicians to be very interested in
prescribing saw palmetto to you if you need it.Can
A Folic Acid Deficiency Cause Depression?
E may help ward off Alzheimer's
may protect against cataracts
Americans -- particularly smokers -- lack vitamin C
E may help heart in type 1 diabetics
calcium in pregnancy boosts lead in blood
E may lower risk of allergies, asthma
B12 Deficiency Is Serious Business
levels tripled in US women of childbearing age
C And E Might Slow Down Hardening Of The
Arteries Too
much iron may 'rust' blood vessels
E may reduce heart attack risk
E may reduce stroke risk in hypertensive men
Reduction of
Resuscitation Fluid Volumes in Severely Burned Patients Using Ascorbic Acid Administration
Folic Acid Reduces Defects
Vitamin C and the Skin
High Homocysteine Levels A Risk Factor For Heart
Disease? Folic
acid may help prevent second heart attack
C, E may lower blood pressure
oil may be heart healthy for postmenopausal women
Fish Oil Lower High Triglycerides?
Oils Reduce Blood Pressure
Plus Thiamine Deficiency Spells Trouble For Brain
B12 deficiency linked to depression in women
May Help Slow Down Alzheimer's
Acids, Antioxidants May Help "Tennis Elbow"
C may help women steer clear of gallstones
Low Vitamin C Levels Linked to
Increase in Gallbladder Disease
C, E May Protect The Aging Brain
Fights Alzheimer's, Cancer And Heart Disease
'Nuts' To Coronary Artery Disease
Advised To Take Vitamin Supplements
Contradictory Findings: Fluoride
Does Increase Risk Of Hip Fractures
C Can Reduce High Blood Pressure, Study Finds
A Gateway To Cocaine?
Breast Cancer Patients Don't Tell Docs About Alternative Treatments
C Can Lower High Blood Pressure
Can Offer Relief For Osteoarthritis
Free Radicals
Acid Found To Be A Potent Antioxidant
Insider: Folic Acid: Time to Supplement?
Medicine Gains Acceptance
For Integrative Medicine: Continued Growth
Acid May Reduce Risk Of Leukemia
New Flu Strain Could Kill
Millions, New Hong Kong Strain.
Approves New Flu Pill
In this article, it is mentioned that 20,000 Americans
die each year of the flu. This is a terrible fact but even more terrible when it is
realized that most of these deaths could be avoided if massive doses of ascorbate were
utilized. If the worst cases were given 2-3 days of intravenous sodium ascorbate,
all but a rare case would be fine. Note that these treatments can be started after
the person falls ill, the sooner after the better, but still the massive doses of
ascorbate are effective in preventing almost all complications even after the person
becomes ill.
vitamins C and E as additional treatment in patients with acute anterior uveitis: a
randomised double masked study in 145 patients.
In 1981,
I reported dramatic results in a case of acute anterior uveitis with massive doses
of ascorbate. How long are they going to fool around with ridiculously low doses.
I can tell you for sure that low doses, such as described in this paper, will give
only disappointing to suggestive results because my experience with a large range of doses
of ascorbate demonstrated that only the massive doses, as described in my papers, will
work. Lesser doses will only prolong the misery of those affected by these
conditions which can be cured.
Rich In Folate May Reduce Risk Of Heart Disease
Evidence That Vitamin C Blocks Exercise-Induced Asthma
Viruses Up Inflammatory Response In Asthma
Drug, Gulf War Syndrome
link possible...
Deficiency Can Cause Brain Damage
May Be Harmful Before Surgery
Antioxidants May Reduce Short-Term Cardiac Risk
Federal health
panel advises switching to polio shots
Note that the 8 cases a year of paralysis from the live polio
vaccines could still be saved from paralysis
by intravenous ascorbate.
Vitamin C
megadoses eased stress in study of rats
Study Links Vitamin B Deficiency To
Risk Of Stroke In Younger Women
Said Possible Fighter Of Killer Rare Disease
The CFIDS Association of America, Inspector General
Confirms Mismanagement of CFS Research Funds at the CDC
US Adults Low In Vitamin E
Find Cinnamon Kills E.coli Bacteria
E, C May Combat Prostate Cancer
Vitamin A Cuts Children's Malaria Risk By Nearly A Third
Prospective Study of the intake of Vitamins C and B6, and the risk of
kidney stones in men.Gulf
War Victims Seen Nine Times Less Likely To Have Protective Gene
Risk Of Breast Cancer Increases In
With Breast Cysts
Comment by RFC: If cancer of the breast is increased in cystic
breasts. And breast cysts (fibrocystic disease) are usually caused by coffee, tea,
and chocolate. Then is it possible that coffee, tea and chocolate cause ...... ..
... ......? (I even have trouble writing the logical conclusion.)
Re-Learning Old Lessons (Comment on Vitamin A)
Suggests Unsaturated Fats Keep Memory Intact
Risk In Smokers
Could Reduce Lead Levels in Smokers' Blood
And Fructose Increase Fat In Bloodstream
Respiratory Virus Causes Heart Muscle
Air Pollution Directly Linked
To Asthma In Children
Grape Juice May Slow Arterial Disease
Show Promise In Improving Cancer Treatment
Adding Natural Hormone Boosts Brain
Function In Hypothyroidism
Moms Need Extra Folate, Too
Blood Flow, Alzheimer Linked, Antioxidants May Protect Against Diabetes
American Heart Association Recommends
Homocysteine Testing In High-Risk Patients
A linked to learning in animals
home ups asthma risk
Comment by RFC: What about mold sensitivities? Treatment with massive doses of ascorbate?
vegetables natural antioxidants
Early Nutrition In Babies May Have
Effects On The BrainPotassium-Magnesium Citrate Effective
In Correcting Thiazide-Induced Side Effects.
Comment by RFC: Here is an obvious example where an
otherwise useful drug causes nutrient deficiency and can be corrected by large doses of
the appropriate nutrients. This would suggest, as has been found by orthomolecular
physicians, that there are many more such examples of this principle that are not as yet
acid plus B12 may cut heart risk
Fermentation May Be At Root Of
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
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Delay By Intellectualization
As evidence of the value of nutrients,
especially vitamin C, as illustrated in the articles above becomes more and more evident
to the public, researches produce a mass of articles on minute aspects of vitamin C.
I have been consulted by many researchers who proposed bold studies of the effects of
massive doses of ascorbate. Every time the university center, the ethics committee,
the pharmacy committee, etc. deny permission for the use of massive doses of ascorbate and
render the study almost useless. Seasoned researchers depending upon government
grants do not even try to study adequate doses. All of this results in a massive
accumulation of knowledge about very little which gives the impression that there is no
more of real importance to be learned. This accumulation of minutia hides the great
effects of ascorbate already known by some. The following sites reflect this
problem. As you read these learned papers, you will realize that they seem to be
completely unaware of the uses of massive doses of ascorbate. One of the most
amusing aspects of this research are the speculations and research into the toxicity and
other adverse reactions of tiny doses of ascorbate when many have used for years 20 to 100
times the amounts being discussed.
Another Point of View
supplements do not reduce
incidence of cancer or heart diseaseHigher
vitamin C intake recommended for women
Stevia A Good Sugar Substitute?
Nicotine Good For The Heart?
Interesting, but who paid for this study?
may weaken flu shot's effect in elderly
Possibly, but then they are less likely to get the flu if they are taking vitamin
C. Also, if they do get the flu, the symptoms can be ameliorated or cured with
massive doses of vitamin C. Also, probably the rare complication of Reye's syndrome
can be prevented.
Does "C" Hinder
Cancer Treatment? Dr. Weil
The trouble with all these comments about vitamin C in the treatment of cancer is
that none of them use high enough doses. Sodium ascorbate administered in doses
like 60-120 grams at the rate of 1 gram per minute intravenously 2 to 3 times a week
produces peroxide in the cancer cells and selectively kills the cancer cells (See
the article, "Intravenous Ascorbate as a Chemotherapeutic and Biologic Response
Modifying Agent," by Hugh Riordan, M.D., Neil H. Riordan, PA-C, and Ronald E.
Hunninghake, M.D. (Note that alpha lipoic acid used at the same time seems to
augment the effect of C on killing cancer.) Any opinions based on lesser doses are
evading the whole point, clouding the issue, and delaying this very useful treatment at
the expense of many lost lives. I named this effect of C on cancer "the Riordan Effect." I would appreciate it if
anyone who knows Dr. Weil would contact him and make him aware of this article.
Vitamin C Causing Cancer Absurdity -
Created by the journal Science article:
The Jume 14. 2001 articles in the Washington Post about vitamin C and
cancer. Lab
Study Finds Vitamin C Dangers , Study:
Vitamin C Pills May Damage DNA
Does Vitamin C
Cause Cancer - or Here We Go Again, the Linus Pauling Institute Response!
Vitamin C
Attacks Continue - Vitamin C Foundation response
Trade Group Says Negative
Vitamin C Stories "Sensationalized"
Search on "Vitamin C" + Cancer yields 88,800 links
C Found to Promote Cancer-Causing Agents
E For That Cut?
Can Cure What Ails You
to decide if allergy drugs should be OTC
And Alternative Therapies For Arthritis
FDA Approves
Aventis Pasteur's New Low-Mercury Formulation of Tripedia
How about approving a no mercury immunization?
urged to keep up with alternative medicine
E pills may not benefit the healthy
My House Be Full Of Toxic Mold?
Fibromyalgia A Pain Messenger Problem?
Evidence That Chronic Fatigue Might Not Be Physical
Syndromes Studied
Knocks Hair Analysis
says jury still out on benefits of fish oil
Am I Allergic to Running?
becomes a vaccine battleground
of US adults could soon be taking statin drugs
drug disguised as "Chinese" medicine
Care Reality Check
Rush to
Treatment, Controversial Breast Cancer Therapy Should Not Have Been Used Before Data Was
Importance Of Eating Oranges - And Other Sources Of Vitamin C - Dr. Dean Edell
Tofu linked to
mental decline in the elderly
Is A Good Vitamin Supplement For Carpal Tunnel?
C, E May Help Aging Minds Stay Young
Warns Against Big Doses Of Vitamin C During Cancer Treatment
Not be Protected by Vitamin C, Study Finds
This is the story that trigger off all this nonsense. See the next 4 links.
of this big lie by the Vitamin C Foundation.
Re: Vitamin C Foundation
response to ABC News article
Study: Vitamin C
Pills Linked To Artery Clogging
Vitamin C
Study: A Caution About Megadosing
Study links vitamin C
pills with faster clogging of the arteries
Supplements May Raise Diabetes Risk
I'm Afraid Of
Bypass Surgery - Should I Try Chelation Instead? - Dr. Dean Edell
Can We Believe About Vitamins? - Dr. Dean Edell
England Journal of Medicine admitted violating its financial conflict-of-interest policy
19 times over the past three years
E Might Protect Against Lung Cancer - But For
Best Protection, Quit Smoking
Warns About Silver In Over-The-Counter Drugs
Comment by RFC: I really did not know where to put this
article because it just illustrates a point of how much money and how many souls will be
lost over a subject that is easily treated. So far, I have never seen a case of
acute viral hepatitis which was treated immediately with intravenous sodium ascorbate in the acute
stage which ever persisted and went on to the chronic stage. Usually, the jaundice
is cleared in 4 to 5 days. The SGOT and SGPT start dropping precipitously after the
first IVC. The patient feels better in 2 or 3 days. Apparently the skin is
stained and that is why the jaundice takes so long to go away. It confounds me as to
why this inexpensive, simple, nontoxic treatment will not be applied to patients.
And Drugs: Never Mix, Never Worry
and Recommendations for Vitamin C Intake (from JAMA)
Comment by RFC: The amounts of vitamin C advised here are too
low even for well people because of the toxic contaminations in our environment.
However, the major problem of this article is the complete misunderstanding or
ignoring of the potential of massive doses of vitamin C in the treatment of various
diseases such as infections of all sorts, trauma, surgery, burns, autoimmune diseases,
prevention of most allergic reactions to antibiotics, the reduction of complications of
chemotherapy and radiotherapy, acute pain, etc.. Additionally, the existence of
chronic conditions in the patients body such as undetected allergies, chronic pain, all
sorts of stress, EBV, CMV, Hepatitis A thru C and +, Herpes 1 thru 6 & +, HIV 1 &
2, over-colonization of the gut with yeast, parasites, and some unwanted bacteria, and
many other as yet undiscovered organisms, etc., generating free radicals have to be
considered in determining the proper dose of vitamin C in a particular person.
See below
how the the law is after the Quackbusters but now the same people have a new
organization to continue their propaganda.
The National Council
Against Health Fraud, Enhancing Freedom of Choice
through Reliable Health (mis)Information.
the latest on how the idiot Quackbusters are taking gas!
Barrett Crushed in Federal Court - Again.., June 25, 2003.
Quackwatch in Legal Trouble
Quackwatch - Operated by
Stephen Barrett, M.D.
Read how backward and harmful Quackbusters are. The big problem is
that many orthodox doctors believe this junk.
Removed From California State Job...
The public is finally finding out about the genocidal damage
that these quackbusters have done to the public. Women, children, oldsters
and most others have been damaged or killed by the pushing of drugs where
nutrients would do better. Essentially, Bob Sinaiko's crime was to
recognize the role of food allergies in the treatment of hyperactivity, and
refused to drug children as demanded by the quackbusters. So the bastards
put this honorable, creative physician through hell. This is one of the
major reasons why real medical progress is so slow. Medicine is so
demoralized by this conspiracy and the malpractice crisis that you are lucky to
get an English speaking nurse in the hospital. Wages have to be cut so
that hospitals can afford all the nonsense caused by the malpractice crisis
How can you expect that they tell the difference between right or left or A, B,
O, AB, (+) or (-) if they work in a Tower of Babel or just don't care. It
is difficult to love your job in medicine these days. Doctors are taught
to and expected to use drugs, drugs, drugs. Creative people no longer want
to go into medicine. No wonder mistakes are increasing in incidence and
that those who still go into medicine do not care. Under current
circumstances, it can only get worse. Lack of progress accumulates like
compound interest. Of course, the malpractice attorneys love this. I
estimate that for every case of malpractice prevented under the present system,
thousands of people die, are maimed, or suffer unnecessarily because of the
demoralization and retardation of medical practice. The tragic thing is
that the average person does not even know when they are a victim of all of this
They have had standard practice of the community medicine. It will get
worse and more expensive.
Quackbuster's Newest Victim (Wisconsin)...
are these so-called "Quackbusters"
Burns a Little Brighter This Week...
menace BLOWN AWAY in Florida...
Barrett's CRACKPOT lawsuits...
Quackwatch-Quackpots falsehoods being revealed
in court. Please read this and see if you can help.
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Last Updated June 20, 2005
Robert F. Cathcart, MD,
Publications by Robert F. Cathcart, M.D.
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