Google Search for "Vitamin C" and SARS yields ~34,00 links.

The problem with many of these links and reason there are so many is that they have not used high enough doses.  Many have been succored into believing that ascorbate is toxic.  Therefore, low doses have been used.  Despite these low doses, it is being observed that they have some value.  This is the reason for the great controversy.  When the massive doses are used, it will kick the hell out of any acute infectious disease such as SARS.

The big question is how long the medical industry can keep its head up the drug industry's rear.  Soon there may be some who will consider the neglect of the benefits of massive doses of ascorbate negligence.

All this talk about a vaccine is too late; a waste of time now, especially when we know how to cure the disease already.  Every flu I have seen so far (since 1970) has been cured or ameliorated by massive doses of ascorbate.  All of these diseases kill by way of free radicals.  These free radicals are easily eliminated by massive doses of ascorbate.  This is a matter of chemistry, not medicine.  Ascorbate in sufficient doses always eliminates free radicals.

Unfortunately, doctors would be foolish to use ascorbate now until the malpractice rip-off is forced to stop.  This rip-off by attorneys has cost millions of lives by this time.  Medical progress accumulates like compound interest and the cost of this retardation of medical progress only for the purpose of putting money in the pockets of attorneys is at a tremendous price.  The first doctor in town who uses a new treatment is not practicing practice of the community and the last doctor in town who uses a  new treatment is not practicing practice of the community, so if doctors stop all progress they get so practiced at practice of the community, they will not get sued.  I am quite sure that if there was not this rip-off, everything written here about ascorbate would be well known by this time.

My patients should be warned that although it would be easy to cure SARS early with intravenous sodium ascorbate, I will not be able to see them in my office because I do not, by law,  have the facilities to treat such a contagious infectious disease.  The only such facilities are in hospitals and they will not use intravenous sodium ascorbate because it is not practice of the community.  Even if your doctor wants to use intravenous sodium ascorbate, the ethics committee and the pharmacy committee will probably prohibit the use of this "toxic substance" (actually no known toxicity) in the hospital.  (This lie of toxicity is only to prevent the use of effective doses of ascorbate.)

Maybe, the Congress should pass a law giving immunity from malpractice suits to the doctors and hospitals who are willing to use massive doses of ascorbate; and also a law that would give immunity to doctors in the past who did not use massive doses of ascorbate.  They seem to be doing this for the drug companies who put mercury in immunization that cause autism so that the drug companies will continue to make materials for immunizations.  It seems to me that this is the only chance that many will be saved from SARS and other easily cured infectious diseases.  Unfortunately, there is not an organized lobbying group to represent the people will die of these infectious diseases if such immunity is not given.

Furthermore, if you call my office, make sure any questions are asked theoretically and not about yourself or any specific patient.  The new federal HIPPA program as of April 16, 2003 requires that we have a signed permit from a person before we can discuss any aspect of that person's medical treatment.  Anyone who goes into medicine these days is a damn fool.  An intelligent person these days go into law and become a ripper, not go into medicine and become a rippee.

Note that this potential killer disaster kills by way of free radicals whether it is viral or bacterial.  These free radical deaths can be prevented by massive doses of ascorbate.  The disease is severe enough so that it should be treated with massive doses of intravenous sodium ascorbate followed, when the patient is better, with bowel tolerance doses of ascorbic acid.  The time has come to stop hiding our ability to treat these acute infectious diseases with massive doses of ascorbate (combined with standard treatments) just to preserve the profits of the drug industry.  Note that the cure of polio was published back in 1949 and kept secret only to preserve the profits of the polio industry and then the loss to the drug industry because of the obvious application of massive doses of ascorbate in the treatment of all inflammatory diseases.

Since it is unlikely if you catch SARS that you will find a physician to give intravenous sodium ascorbate in massive doses because of the malpractice rip-off, you may become very sick but probably not die by titrating to bowel tolerance with massive doses of ascorbic acid by mouth.  These doses should be taken at least hourly (or even more frequently) around the clock.  It might take up to 200 grams or more.  If you have a strong stomach, you will probably tolerate enough if you start early.  As you get better, the doses can be reduced.  You may have to keep this up for several weeks until all the symptoms are gone.  If you stop too soon, the symptoms may return.  Be sure to consult with a medical doctor even if he will not use ascorbate because of the possibility of bacterial superinfections and because supportive measures for the lungs may be necessary.   It is possible that a physician in ACAM (follow this link) in your area would be willing to give IVC.

Ideally, however, in serious cases this disease should be treated first with at least 180 grams or more of sodium ascorbate intravenously every 24 hours running constantly until the fever is broken and most of the symptoms are ameliorated.  If after a few hours that rate of administration does not have an obvious ameliorating effect, the rate should be increased.  Given in adequate doses the ascorbate will neutralize the free radicals.  This is not a matter of medical treatment, it is chemistry.  If enough molecules of ascorbate (electrons) are administered to a patient having a free radical (molecules missing electrons) driven disease, they will neutralize those free radicals and ameliorate or cure the disease.

"Amazingly, vitamin C has actually already been documented in the medical literature to have readily and consistently cured both acute polio and acute hepatitis, two viral diseases still considered by modern medicine to be incurable." - Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD, (VITAMIN C, INFECTIOUS DISEASES AND TOXINS 2002) (From the Bolen Report)


Viral Flu


Content (C) 1998 and prior years, Robert F. Cathcart, M.D..

Robert Cathcart, M.D.


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