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     254                                THE ENZYME TREATMENT OF CANCER


places other than the ovary or testis embryomata of similar structure occurred. The new observation related to a liver, which had come into his hands at a post-mortem in a case where the diagnosis “primary cancer of the liver” had been given. This liver was permeated with multiple nodules, the largest of which was as big as a walnut. Many of them in section—his hearers would confirm this for themselves—gave the typical picture of a cancer; others, again—-and these were hemorrhagic, with extra-vascular clotting and necrosis—showed the typical picture of chorio-epithelioma; close to them, again, were other masses of typical cancer nodules in liver-tissue ; ‘and the cancer-cells, again, in immediate con­nection with the Langhans cells of chorio-epithelioma. Therefore, this liver-cancer was also an epithelioma or chorio-epithelioma—a malignant epithelioma, which had arisen from an embryonic foundation. He pointed out that he did not deduce all cancers from a “teratoid” (embryomatic) basis, and that a parasitic etiology was out of question in the instances dealt with.


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