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                                                                    PREFACE                                                             vii


All these grounds Réaumur mentions, but concludes that the corals are plants which excrete a stony sub­stance, and that if one sees animals in them these must be parasites which have wandered into them. He finds it quite out of question, as one sees, to imagine the exist­ence of branched animals. Out of consideration for the individual, he does not mention the name of him who had asserted such remarkable things. In this way Peyssonel remained quite unknown and unrecognized. But when, later on, Trembley made known his observations on the fresh-water polypes, and in the buds of these one had before his eyes a branched animal, Réaumur asked the botanist, Bernard de Jussieu, who was going to the sea­side, to examine what connection this had with the corals. When, then, De Jussieu expressed himself in favour of their animal nature, Réaumur at last believed it himself, and withdrew his former judgment. Pey­ssonel, who learnt in the West Indies that Réaumur had not published the memoir sent to him, but that later on the correctness of his discovery had been recognized, in 1751 sent a new memoir, not to Paris, but to London, where it appeared in 1753 in the Philosophical Transac­tions. Thus, thirty years passed before he succeeded in publishing his discovery, and five years more before, by the publication of the tenth edition of Linnaeus’s ‘Systema Naturae  ’ (1758), it gained general acceptance. How many and angry writings did there not appear against Harvey’s account of the circulation of the blood, because it was not known what to do with the air or the spirits (Archaei) which were supposed to reside in the arteries, and when Harvey died, twenty years after the publication of his discovery, it had not yet become generally accepted. Much longer still was it before the discovery of Copernicus found general acceptance, and

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