Help Save the Gorillas

How Pauling's VItamin C Therapy May Save the Gorillas
There is currently an epidemic of heart disease (aka chronic scurvy) among Gorillas in zoos. The solution may be as simple as giving them vitamin C supplements. Gorillas, like humans, are high-order primates and are among the few species who cannot make their own vitamin C. Help Save the Gorillas! Forum Discussion

Man and Beast Have the Same Genetic Defect

Will the same methods that work magic in man work in gorillas? Learn more about the cause and effective treament for cardiovascular disease by reading...

Practicing Medicine Without A License?

New Book: The Vitamin C Foundation's Co-Founder has written The Story of the Linus Pauling Therapy for Heart Disease
by Owen Fonorow with Sally Snyder-Jewell.

The book covers the fifty-plus year history of the vitamin C theory of heart disease as well as the 12-year history of the so-called Pauling-therapy®.

Heart patients who decided to follow Linus Pauling's advice recovered in about 30 days. Many experienced significant relief in as little as ten days. These recoveries only occur after these former patients adopted the Pauling-therapy®, usually without their doctor's knowledge or consent.

The book contains Pauling's specific detailed vitamin C and lysine dosage recommendations. These recommendations that have helped thousands of heart patients overcome their disease. The reasons that the therapy may not work for everyone are also explored.

The book could have been appropriately titled Chronic Scurvy, which is a more accurate description of the cardiovascular disease process. Learn more [Here] or [order in bulk] from the Foundation (Quantity discounts coming soon.)

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