Not LP(a) but Calcium?

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Ralph Lotz
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Why speculate what Sardi said, Read the article

Post by Ralph Lotz » Wed Jan 02, 2008 3:23 pm

In Sardi's article, which takes about 2 minutes to read he quotes Dr. Stephen Seely.

The 3% figure refers to the amount of cholesterol in plaque, while the 50% figure refers to the amount of calcium in plaque. There is a direct correlation between calcification and fatal heart attack risk that is undisputable. The problem is that unstable plaque can exist even without evidence of calcification. Generally as atherosclerosis progresses, calcification begins and worsens, if you live that long.

In my opinion, unstable plaque is the principal cause of all heart attacks. Unstable plaque is a direct result of collagen deficiency caused primarily by a lack of ascorbic acid and the essential amino acid, lysine. The process begins with a lesion that does not properly heal. Based on Dr. Levy's, Stop America's #1 Killer, the root cause is probably chronic inflammation, since he recommends a couple of dozen supplements at the end of the book that help spare some ascorbate to make some collagen to heal the lesion(s).

The calcification can be reversed evidently with vitamin D3 and vitamin K. Vitamin D also combats inflammation.
Without correcting the chronic inflammation, there is little hope in stopping the atherosclerotic process.
Many of the things that help are contained in Tower's Ascorsine 9. Two things not mentioned by Levy that are at the top of my list are R-Lipoic Acid from Mito-Gold by Geronova Research and a Green Tea Extract standardized to provide at least 350 mg of EGCG. EGCG has numerous benefits including reversing insulin resistance, blocking MMP enzymes that degrade collagen and lowering triglycerides, to name only a few. R-Lipoic acid is the "Universal Antioxidant."

Another clue is to eat a diet that is reflective of the longest lived people, the Japanese and Mediterranean peoples. The cholesterol theory foisted upon us the junk corn and soybean oils, too high in omega 6 fatty acids, which are among the most atherogenic substances if taken in excess apart from omega 3 rich oils especially fish oils and cod liver oils.

It is more than past the time to abandon the Cholesterol Theory. Lowering cholesterol does not reduce overall mortality. People with the HIGHEST cholesterol live the longest. Cholesterol is probably the only antioxidant some Americans have in their nutrient deficient bodies.
"Unless we put medical freedom into the constitution...medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship..force people who wish doctors and treatment of their own choice to submit to only what..dictating outfit offers." Dr. Benjamin Rush

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