Ophthalmologist says I have blocked vessels behind my eye

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Ophthalmologist says I have blocked vessels behind my eye

Post by ofonorow » Sun Feb 22, 2009 7:00 am

Dear Owen Fonorow,

I am a 52 year old menopausal Caucasian woman. In January of this year I found out through my ophthalmologist that I have blocked blood vessels behind my right eye, the left is normal. Because of this finding my primary care physician prescribed 20mg of Lipitor. Blood work from December of 2008 showed that my cholesterol is 226, triglycerides 51, HDL 81, LDL (Direct)
134, and CHOL/HDL Ratio is 2.8. Also I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism last year and take 88mcg of Synthroid. I've read that women do not derive any benefits from taking Lipitor and that it only treats the inflammation and not the root cause of the problem. In my case would vitamin C help to eliminate the cholesterol strings in my eye and if so how much would you

Second question is will my hypothyroid or Synthroid medication interfere with the benefits of vitamin C. I don't know who else to turn to for answers. Thank you for reading my email and I would greatly appreciate any help or insight you can give to me. My email address is [deleted]

Thank you again,

K. H.

My recommendation - start taking vitamin C to bowel tolerance. see orthomed.com/titrate.htm for help on the right amount. I an not aware of any interference between vitamin C and "synthroid" but you should probably find a doctor who will prescribe a natural (and more complete) form of thyroid hormone. There are several book by Dr. David Browstein that describe the differences between the natural and synthetic hormones, and the difference he observes in clinical response at his practice. The best of his book on these matters is probably The Miracle of Natural Hormones, 3rd Edition. See http://www.drbrownstein.com

Take any cholesterol lowering drug at your own risk, and if you decide to continue, then take at least 150 mg of Coenzyme Q10 (with fats)

I'll have copied your message to eye doctor Sydney Bush for his suggestions.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Re: Ophthalmologist says I have blocked vessels behind my eye

Post by kath » Sun Feb 22, 2009 1:45 pm

Dear Dr. Fonorow,

Thank you so much for responding to my questions. As of yet I have not started taking vitamin C.
Along with my blocked blood vessels and hypothroid now a recent DEXA scan came back with a diagnosis of osteopenia. Hopefully that will be the end of anymore unwelcomed news. I've been trying to find, without success, an alternative medical doctor in my area. I will look into the website for bowel tolerance and the Dr. Browstein book you recommended. What supplement would you suggest for keeping the osteopenia under control? Does vitamin C interfere with calcium?



Re: Ophthalmologist says I have blocked vessels behind my eye

Post by DonHarry » Mon Feb 23, 2009 4:43 am

Hi Kath. You may benefit from reading this http://www.health-fx.net/eBook.pdf regarding statins. Not meaning to scare you in anyway but it may help you make an educated decision in the management of your own health.

Dr Fonorow, have you read 'The Great Cholesterol Con'? Do you think it is worth recommending?

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Re: Ophthalmologist says I have blocked vessels behind my eye

Post by ofonorow » Mon Feb 23, 2009 5:07 am

To Don Harry, I have read Uffe Ravnskov's (MD,PhD) book THE CHOLESTEROL MYTHS Exploring the Fallacy that Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Cause Heart Disease. This is a very thought provoking book by one of the world's primary cholesterol-causes-heart-disease debunking scholars. I recommend this book, although I don't remember it attacking statin drugs directly, just the so-called science behind the cholesterol theory.

To Kate, from the web,
Osteopenia refers to bone mineral density (BMD) that is lower than normal peak BMD but not low enough to be classified as osteoporosis.

Vitamin C will not harm you, it will help your bones, and I would not delay starting 500 mg of ascorbic acid every 4 hours. However, there are other important factors w/r to loss of calcium in the bones. (As an aside, I was speaking over the weekend with a retired Dentist who knows more about alternative medicine than any other person I have spoken to in recent memory. He is connected with radioliberty.com. He happened to mention how the fluoride in water causes oesteoporosis. I didn't write it down, (one can probably look it up). The bottom line was that it leads to a chemical process to balance the pH in the blood that winds up sapping the bones of their calcium.)

As far as the other important factors in bone loss, they are summarized in a wonderful book by Dr. John Lee entitled WHAT YOUR DOCTOR MAY NOT TELL YOU ABOUT MENOPAUSE. I strongly recommend this book, and if you follow itsadvice, including natural pregesterone, vitamins D, K, A and C, etc., boron, you will likely be able to reverse your bone loss.

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Re: Ophthalmologist says I have blocked vessels behind my eye

Post by kath » Mon Feb 23, 2009 9:26 am

Dr. Fonorow and Don Harry,

Thank you both for your suggestions and recommendations. Please don't worry about scaring me, the more knowledge the better. I appreciate the feedback and will read everything that has been suggested.

Dr. Fonorow should I start taking the supplements listed in Chapter 7 of the Pauling Therapy along with the additional supplements in Dr. John Lee's book that are not listed in the Pauling Therapy? It seems to me that by combining the two I'll lower my cholesterol along with reversing my bone loss.

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Re: Ophthalmologist says I have blocked vessels behind my eye

Post by carlp » Mon Feb 23, 2009 2:08 pm

Hi Kath, welcome to the forum. I know it's overwhelming to come across so much information all at once. Just keep studying what's here and don't be afraid to ask questions.

Regarding all the supplents, just try starting out with vitamin C at a couple of thousand miligrams per day and increase it to bowel tolerance.

You will know when you start getting a lot of gas. And if you get diarrhea, you're definitely at tolerance. And you can gradually add supplements like CoQ10, vitamin D3, etc.

I know the CoQ10 showed a marked improvement in my leg muscles as they would get pain at times due to a statin that I was taking and have since stopped.


Re: Ophthalmologist says I have blocked vessels behind my eye

Post by kath » Mon Feb 23, 2009 4:08 pm

Hi carlp,

Thank you for your advise. I do feel like running out and buying every supplement listed but you are right about taking vitamin c first than slowly adding the others one at a time.

It's great how CoQ10 helped to relieve your leg pain. How is your cholesterol since you stopped the statin and now using vit. c instead?

Since starting my search for alternatives to prescription drugs I've also learned that my diet of mostly refined carbs contributed to my health problems. So I hope between taking supplements and cleaning up my diet I'll stop and hopefully reverse the plaque.


Re: Ophthalmologist says I have blocked vessels behind my eye

Post by DonHarry » Tue Feb 24, 2009 8:17 am


Re: Ophthalmologist says I have blocked vessels behind my eye

Post by kath » Tue Feb 24, 2009 9:26 am

Don Harry,

I did not know about the Lp(a) connection to statins.
My cholesterol dropped from 226 to 147 and triglycerides from 134 to 64 while taking Lipitor.
It has been a difficult decision to stop taking a drug that gives such impressive results. After countless hours researching statins especially pertaining to how ineffective they are on women I decide to stop taking Lipitor without my doctors consent. I don't understand why doctors keep using statins as the only line of defense for CVD.

Thank you for that added information along with the books you have recommended.

Have you ever heard of the Pritikin Diet by Robert Pritikin? It's a weight loss book but also used to help stop or possibly reverse atherosclerosis.


Re: Ophthalmologist says I have blocked vessels behind my eye

Post by DonHarry » Thu Feb 26, 2009 1:22 am

reducing cholesterol, reducing mortality, reducing heart attacks, reducing vision loss, or a combination of these?

Or the other side effects....loss of memory due to inhibited COQ10 production, weaking of the immune system, muscle atrophy, compromised hormone levels, increased risk of cardiomyopathy, increased risk of cancer, increased risk of death etc

Was it cerivastatin that had to be recalled because it killed too many patients?

The Journal of the American Medical Association, published a study entitled, Cholesterol and Mortality. 30 Years of Follow-up from the Framingham Study. Shocking to most, this in-depth study showed that after the age of 50, there is no increased overall death rate associated with high cholesterol! There was, however, a direct association between low levels (or dropping levels) of cholesterol and increased death. Specifically, medical researchers reported that CVD death rates increased by 14% for every 1mg/dL drop in total cholesterol levels per year.

So over 50's really have no benefit from statins other than helping them to an early grave.

http://www.health-fx.net/eBook.pdf If you haven't read this already, it might provide some useful insight.

Why is it when an amalgam filling is extracted the patients cholesterol level drops? Cholesterol is a necessary component of life, without it you will die. Why would the body manufacture something in such quantity if it was harmful to the host? Cholesterol is a good indication of toxicity - it is raised as a result of toxicity, not as a cause. (In my opinion)

I just wonder if you have actually read any of the literature written by the 'cholesterol skeptics', or whether you just condemn their case out of blind trust for the general medical consensus?

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Re: Ophthalmologist says I have blocked vessels behind my eye

Post by ofonorow » Sun Mar 01, 2009 8:06 am

I think I'm going to start a new topic on the issues raised outside of Kate's concerns
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Re: Ophthalmologist says I have blocked vessels behind my eye

Post by kath » Mon Mar 02, 2009 3:05 pm


It was very disappointing when my ophthalmologist emailed the pictures from the optomap, I could barely make out the plaque that was so evident in his office. When I returned to his office and asked to see the pictures again it was so easy to make out the fine white lines. The tech said that with my home computer the pictures turn out grainy and are hard to see without the software they use for the optomap machine. In the office I could see two different narrow blood vessels and one a bit larger with white plaque anywhere from one to two inches long in each one.

I am happy for you that the Pauling's protocol is working and that you're feeling well. I would be very pleased to have your level of success using supplements instead of the usual meds. Take care.

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Re: Ophthalmologist says I have blocked vessels behind my eye

Post by Cis4me » Wed Mar 04, 2009 5:16 am

It's more likely that their software is compressing the image file so much that the details you need are lost and there is nothing wrong with your computer. Ask for a higher quality .jpg file, or better yet a lossless format such as .tif.

Lossy image compression (jpg, gif etc.) in medical imaging is generally frowned upon, because the added artifacts lead to mis-diagnoses.

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