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     38                                     THE ENZYME TREATMENT OF CANCER


months, as this. It is nearly twice the length of time of a human pregnancy from conception to birth.

But this is not the place to write a history of a quarter of a century’s researches in embryology. Suffice it to say that the chain of researches is now a complete one, every link has been tested, and no flaw discovered. As one outcome of this systematic investigation, a single case of successful cure of malignant disease, quite apart from others recorded in the published literature, is brought before the whole world, and the invitation is given that any test of its truth be applied to it. All the methods employed are published in full. The remedies suggested and the modes of using them may be rejected or ignored; but the truth, if scientific truth have any place at all in this world, must be admitted. The facts are: that in a case of malignant disease, termed by the pathologists a “round-celled sarcoma “—named by me, scientifically, irresponsible trophoblast or asexual generation—which was recurrent and inoperable after two extensive surgical operations upon it ; the remains of the tumour, under the influence of the all - powerful ferments, trypsin and amylopsin, finally shelled out, leaving the patient free from all trace of malignant disease, and, in fact, ‘‘ cured.’’ I ask that these scientific facts, which cannot he denied, be admitted, and that with this the tardy acknowledg­ment be made, that when, on January 20, 1905, a scien­tific man, whose sole object was the revelation of the truths of Nature, stated publicly that ‘‘in the secretion of that important digestive gland, the pancreas,” Nature had provided a potent remedy for cancer what he then Said was nothing more than scientific truth, which is the greatest of all truth.

This, Nature’s remedy, may be taken or left ; but the truth may be denied no longer. It is beyond my power


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