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                                                                APPENDIX G                                                       275

died in “the summer of 1908.” . . . “Treatment by injec­tion of trypsin was continued at intervals up to June, 1907. There was “not much pain up to the last three months. The suffering was nothing like that usually experienced in such cases.” Other very favourable points are noted in the report—such as that an artificial anus never became necessary, and “ the character of the disease changed from an active and rapidly progressive type to a slow and practically stationary one, which not only prolonged life, but shut off the disease from outside irritative influences, making life more bearable and wholesome by the formation of membrane over the raw surfaces: in short, replacing an active loathsome disease by one more durable.” In the light of our knowledge of to-day, the treatment in this case was carried out with preparations much too weak for their task, and probably far too little amylopsin was employed.

5. Campbell, James T.: “Trypsin Treatment of Malig­nant Disease (Left Tonsil, Base of Tongue, Epiglottis).” Journal of the American Medical Association, January 19, 1907, pp. 225-226.

6.   Goeth, Richard A.: “Pancreatic Treatment of Cancer, with Report of a Cure.” Journal of the American Medical Association, March 23, 1907, p. 1030.

7.   Duprey, H.: “Trypsin in Epithelioma of Larynx.” New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal, July, 1907.

8.   Cutfield, A.: “Trypsin Treatment in Malignant Disease.” British Medical Journal, August 31, 1907,  p. 525.

9.   Donati, —.: “The Trypsin Treatment of Malignant Disease” (Review of Medicine), in British Medical Journal, March 2, 1907. (Recurrent sarcoma of testicle.)

10. Marsden, Aspinall: “Carcinoma of Cervix Uteri successfully treated with the Pancreatic Ferment.” General Practitioner, January 11, 1908, p. 22.

11. Meggitt, Henry: “The Pancreatic Treatment of Cancer.” General Practitioner, March 21, igo8. (Cure in seven months of recurrent cancer in liver.)


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