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     222                                 THE ENZYME TREATMENT OF CANCER


as now recognized by me, as a rule not free from excep­tions—they were not in former years strong enough for their work. In various quarters of the world worth­less preparations of trypsin and amylopsin have been offered for sale, at times extensively advertised, and employed in cases of cancer, to the serious detriment of the scientific enzyme treatment of cancer. The problem is—and it is not one for the scientific investigator as such— How shall this sort of happening be prevented in the future? It is an extremely grave matter, for human lives are at stake in this treatment. One of the chief medical newspapers in Great Britain, the Lancet, has as one of its features—and a most excellent one it is—a laboratory for the making of scientific examinations and the drawing up and publication of reports upon pharma­ceutical products offered for sale and for use in medicine. To my knowledge, none of the injections employed hitherto in the treatment of cancer have been reported upon by this laboratory, and in default of State control and State monopoly the sooner and the oftener such examination and report upon various pancreatic preparations be made the better for mankind and for science.


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