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                                                         TWO RECENT CASES                                                215


medical correspondents, that many cancer patients, even if cured of cancer, would sooner or later fall victims to diabetes or Bright’s disease. In my scientific opinion these are both diseases of the liver, and for diabetes the illus­trious physiologist, Claude Bernard, published this con­clusion more than fifty years ago.*

It has been written: “We do not underestimate the value of temporary relief; but even accepting all the statements of its advocates as absolutely trustworthy, it is still conspicuously inferior in this respect to surgery. This is, presumably, a reference to the enzyme treat­ment of cancer, which in years now past, on the testimony, published and unpublished, of numerous physicians in all parts of the world,, has given great and continued relief from pain and suffering to the victims of cancer in cases where every device of surgery had failed. If any man living know the equal of adequate injections of trypsin and amylopsin in this respect, let him produce it. These ferments, trypsin and amylopsin, have not— at least in the visible universe—their superiors, or even their equals, as means of relief in cancer. Regarding the above citation, the matter can be carried a little further. Surgery has never once succeeded where trypsin and amylopsin had failed. On the other hand, as witness the published York case, trypsin and amy­lopsin have succeeded where surgery failed—as it did twice in this case.



   1. Diet.—Avoid acid-forming foods. No beef, no wine, no common salt, no vinegar. Stimulants, when necessary, brandy or whisky. Reduce nitrogenous food

* For some of the other reported successful cases vide Appen­dix G, p. 273.


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