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    120                                  THE ENZYME TREATMENT OF CANCER


to note, that just as cancer is found everywhere in the vertebrata, just as there is one mode and one only of vertebrate development, so the pancreas gland and its secretion are a common heritage of vertebrate animals.

Briefly, as I conceive it, in normal development and in a malignant tumour the matter is simply a question of the victory of a stronger enzyme over a weaker one, In view of all this, the events in a malignant tumour—such as, for example, the “heterotype” mitoses—lose much of their importance. They may still possess an interest for the cytologist and embryologist, and even a passing one for the pathologist. But to the physician and surgeon these abortive attempts to form gametes cease in treat­ment to have any import whatsoever.

Practically all that was sought after from my own re­searches regarding cancer has now come to light. Embryologically, the problem of cancer has been to discover the antithesis of two enzymes and in particular to find out the enzyme capacity of destroying a weaker one, and thus of leading to the degeneration of the tumour by simple atrophy. The whole story is but another example of that antithetic alternation which underlies all the pheno­mena of living things. The solution of the problem of the functional relation of embryo and trophoblast—how the latter nourishes itself by an (intracellular) acid “peptic “digestion and degenerates slowly by a pancreatic digestion—becomes at the same time the embryological, if not the medical, resolution of the problems of malig­nant neoplasms, as well as of chorio-epithelioma. As an embryologist, who is not a physician or surgeon, my task is ended. The further applications of the scientific and theoretical solution of the problem may safely be left in the hands of those who know far better how to employ it.  But they may not forget that in nature the degenera­-


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